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Amber Ware


hi c u n t s

203 Replies

nah anything for you hunni what's the point of saying to your face....

and what's the point of saying it on this? You dumb ****

amber.ware98 replied 3385 days ago

Money or Loyalty ?


amber.ware98 replied 3385 days ago

the funnest thing is that you put this website up for people to see and ask you things and yeah that's the WHOLE ****ING PURPOSE of it yet when they ask you Something you tell them to **** off or don't answer logic hunni

I'm sorry you had to go out of your way to say this if you would like to say it say it to my face and you can go **** yourself you pathetic piece of **** and don't call me hunni

amber.ware98 replied 3386 days ago

Who's your boy


amber.ware98 replied 3386 days ago

who bloody cares that she smokes HAHAHA it's her life she can live it how she wants lol. always here if you need someone to talk to love just inbox or text me xx ShanaeGrassby

thanks babe

amber.ware98 replied 3392 days ago

why do you smoke and how long have you been smoking for?

these are stupid questions boot off

amber.ware98 replied 3392 days ago

Kindda funny you blame all your bull**** on your 'friends' that your accusing they left you when you pushed them away

cool cûnt I don't care

amber.ware98 replied 3398 days ago

Do you smoke?

do you?

amber.ware98 replied 3400 days ago

The reason you have barely any friends is because you pushed basically everyone that cared about you away :/

well if they cared that much they wouldn't of left now would they, now fück off

amber.ware98 replied 3400 days ago

I don't care if you smoke or do drugs. As long as you can hold a conversation about anything other than that you smoke and do drugs.

well i don't talk about it anyway but okay..

amber.ware98 replied 3404 days ago

Are you living at Darcy's house?


amber.ware98 replied 3405 days ago

How was Darcy's party?

I didn't even go

amber.ware98 replied 3410 days ago

How come you see a psychologist

go away

amber.ware98 replied 3410 days ago

If you want to smoke and take drugs so what it's your life not others they shouldn't give you sh*t. If you're trying to quit. Good job. You decide what you want to do with your life. People can just f**king leave you alone.

you know what's up! Chuck us an inbox

amber.ware98 replied 3415 days ago

Wooo some people are sh*t heads

what ****

amber.ware98 replied 3417 days ago