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Magher* he's great very funny and good to talk to
sometime after I finish uni
I cant love my daughters mother in law
great guy, really funny and fab hair
you should ask her yourself Nosey Nellie xx
um no.
i know that and I was only allowed to invite a certain amount of people and I invited my close girl friends and guys i am good friends with and hang out with a lot btw its my decision not yours Anon
Jordan Cody Isaac Aaron Cooper J Ricky Robert Dylan and James
Amy g abbey hannah elise and lani
no idea, my phone is forever on silent
great guy know him since kinder and he's really funny
abbert (abbey+robert)
Really funny and attractive
Haven't seen either but probably GoT
That I always have the answers in class. I am a slow writer. I do not have the answers. Yet.
Do ya mean who do I prefer ?
Amy cause she makes me buy expensive stuff
nice girl xx
No omg abbey is the most fabulous
Pfft no one
Ben obviously. Have you not seen his bday pics?
Whoopa, Dylan and maybe Connell or Yates
She's really nice good at netball and pretty
Mum xx
And I know right ?
Maybe haha
Hemphill* Amazingly gorgeous and great at netball she is so fabulous I can't even xx another bestfriend
She doesn't agree but she's so pretty and is one of my bestfriends fab at netball love her xx
Yeah she moved down to Wonthaggi but I haven't spoken to her since she moved and I miss her heaps
You're gonna marry Alexander and be related to me
Awesome girl so pretty and great in gk even tho you hate it xx
That is very observant of you
Haven't spoken to her in ages, really pretty and nice
Don't know him that well but he seems nice and sort of attractive
He's a weirdo but funny and good to talk to
She's really nice and a good friend
He is hilarious how can you not love a red head?
He's funny and his hair is amazing
You is sah funny and beautiful and amazing and good at netball #getchaheadinthegame
I've actually had it for awhile I just never put up a status
Really funny and kinda good looking
Most amazing sister ever so pretty and awesome as at netball love her 5eva