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amelia hulcombe


ask me things k go

18 Replies

Are you happy?

i try to be

ameliohunnycombe replied 4557 days ago

Whats with the bug eyes?

i actually like my eyes

ameliohunnycombe replied 4579 days ago

You gay poopooooo


ameliohunnycombe replied 4581 days ago

f*** off you pathetic **** your the one who just have there face stomped in haha i thinks its hilarious how you go on anon you scared f*** ! come on show us who you are! your a pathetic excuse for a person! you dont amelias family or friends so get a life xoxo Lucyi

babby cakess <3

ameliohunnycombe replied 4584 days ago

think it would be you your boyfriend/friends/family are all pathetic pieces of shi* the fact that you got hit in the face with a baseball made my f***ing day even the thought of you in pain brings me unexplainable joy

how can you think that when you don't even know half of them so you have no obligation to say they are all pieces of shi* and the ball didn't really hurt i was in to much shock it was just the blood that was gross , and that's not good to be happy over someone else's pain i feel sorry for you to be like that to me , what did i f***ing do to you anyway ?

ameliohunnycombe replied 4584 days ago

you are shi* die

i will one day so your going to have to wait

ameliohunnycombe replied 4584 days ago

guess who it is you ugly Bit**

why dont you just tell me and il see if i was right or you cant? why not are you scared or something

ameliohunnycombe replied 4584 days ago

i hope that someone grabs your face and stomps on it you never know it may just make you look a bit better sincerely a big f*** you from every sane person out there f*** YOU Bit** DIE.

it properly would make me face look better but that's not the point , the reason for someone to go die is awful and disappoints me that someone would say that ,death is a terrible thing you know i wouldn't go around saying this to be people

ameliohunnycombe replied 4584 days ago

you are a desperate ***** who does everything to fit in you complain and Bit** how originality** is dead when you only add to the problem your Parents are disgusting filthy animals such as your dad

wow okay shi* carm down take a chill pill you need one , i dont understand how you could actually hate someone that much that you want to do all that stuff to and i made one f***ing status about that does not mean i Bit** and complain about it okay f*** i meant the concept of it everything that people do at least someone has thought of it or says they have done it even if they have not just to look better , i believe peoples lies that's what f***s up originality for me i don't actually believe its gone and my dad is not filth HE IS f***ING AMAZING he is always there for me even when im in the wrong that's why i love him and my life is not your problem anyway let me guess who you are any bets i already know

ameliohunnycombe replied 4584 days ago

What's an*** like

would not know

ameliohunnycombe replied 4584 days ago

When may i check ;)

when pigs fly

ameliohunnycombe replied 4584 days ago

9 inch now whats your bra size

haha check for yourself

ameliohunnycombe replied 4584 days ago

to skinny for the woorrrrlllllddd Lucyi

love meee

ameliohunnycombe replied 4584 days ago

you are actually too poo

i know

ameliohunnycombe replied 4584 days ago

Bra size?

Dic* size?

ameliohunnycombe replied 4584 days ago