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Amy Beattie


Try be nice

466 Replies

Bruce Thomas hey?


ammyy. replied 2513 days ago 1 1



ammyy. replied 2514 days ago

I heard you were leaving the country? Is that true? Where you leaving to?

I've left already, I moved to Botswana

ammyy. replied 2514 days ago

You are awesome so keep being you

Awh thank you x

ammyy. replied 2691 days ago

Why are you never out anymore?

I'm always out, probably just don't want to see you

ammyy. replied 2695 days ago 1 4

You are an amazing human being

This made me smile a huge amount x

ammyy. replied 2700 days ago 4

Why so freaking pretty?


ammyy. replied 2717 days ago 1

Die all btch


ammyy. replied 2740 days ago 1

Are you back in kadoma?


ammyy. replied 2790 days ago 1

The secret to a good friendship is... ?


ammyy. replied 2792 days ago 1

Who was that guy you were with at news last night?

I was with a lot of guys last night?

ammyy. replied 2796 days ago 2

You're H2O without the 2

You left the T out?

ammyy. replied 2801 days ago 12

What's your weakness?


ammyy. replied 2802 days ago 2 2

Have you ever been in a situation where someone bought you a drink/dared you to chug a drink as a prank, because they knew the place you were at/going had no bathrooms?

Not hey

ammyy. replied 2803 days ago 1

Who's your new man?

That's a no from me

ammyy. replied 2804 days ago