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Ellie Brewster my lil drunk ****
Your a cooly guy, easy as to get along with and crack some good jokes but mine are still better
Absolutely adore the hell out of you. Your such an positive person to be around, I love it! You make work seem so much better, you do headset which I love you for because I wanna kill that machine thing, you and jack are 2016 cutest couple, your a huge babe with a rockin body, and you are just so gorgeous!!!! I can see you going so far in life and im so excited to see where you end up!! Love you lots girl ???
My evil sister
Your big soft ****, nah absolutely adore the sht out of you, you make me feel so welcomed and special, you try real hard to be funny but no one is as good as me at cracking jokes, your so chilled back and make things seem so simple, keen as to finish ahs and breaking bad gonna be so good OML, dreading the walk down wanstead street tho ? Jake may as well show the Maccas crew this one too, anyways love you lots ?
Too much
I'm so excited
Carrie diaries
Something ?
Good old Harry Wallis, in the year 7 days
Haven't talked to charli in months it's crazy, she's such a mature girl, so easy to get along with like makes me so happy. I don't agree on some decisions in her life but I'm happy that she finally looks happy, all best of luck to her. Love her x
Defunately in Corowa
When things were good between me and LW
I beg to differ, , stop the mystery and inbox me x
Mosipul - Ellie
Definitely not this business homework
About 90% of the songs made these days
You seem like such a cool guy! Crack some jokes here and there and apparently you can give a good pickup line, would really like to meet you properly and get to know you better!
Your being a self centred immature dck that needs to grow the hell up and stop being a jerk towards me all because I didn't reply get the hell over yourself
Drunk and partying hopefully don't wanna be stuck at work on the last day of the year again
I fcking love you! One of the best chicks around! So happy that we have gotten closer lately, your always up for a chat and our chats are never boring always something weird to talk about with you, love working with you because you always take headset, your an incredibly strong and amazing girl and I'm so glad I'm friends with such a weak unit ;)
Changed my thoughts completely on you! Your such a nice girl, pretty funny, and your the only one that understands my rants about Logan hahaha and also very pretty! Best bod too
From embarrassment
Being happy with absolutely everything in your life
Be selfish
Without a certain someone
My teeth
Don't really know him but seems pretty cool
Jarrod, J Rod, Roddy, your my absolute favourite, you make me so happy! I adore you like there's no tomorrow! I love being around you, can't get enough of you! No words literally describe how much love I have for you, your an awesome person and deserve all the happiness in the world, I'm so glad we are so close and I never wanna lose you! You are honesty the best person omg and I just love you so much, you make me laugh constantly but your less of a serous person now because I'm funny and make you laugh, I'm sorry but your brother is better than you, only because he has an Afro and can cook, super keen for tomorrow and Wednesday to see you sht yourself over American horror story, oh and did I mention I love you? Xx
Ryan, your such a sweetheart, your drunk phone call the other night was honestly my highlight hahha, your such a nice guy! I'm surprised you don't have a huge line of ladies after ya because your really attractive and just seem to have the whole package, can't wait to meet you!' Xxx
You haven't asked
Brannan, your honestly one of my favourite people, you have the best advice ive ever been given like legit, you seriously helped me out so much you have no idea how thankful i am for your existence because i dunno where i would be if you werent such a gem to me. Your intelligence is through the roof like fking hell hahah, you know how to cheer me up even though we have only been talking for like a month, your tongue piercing is hot as fck, your so attractive omggg, but you should defs get dreads again, argh i cant wait to see you when you get back, next time your taking me with you, im so jealous that you got to go scuba diving because thats honestly my dream job, anyways love you lots xxxxxxx
I miss like a fck load! Such an awesome guy! Pretty sure he took care of me when I was fcked so I thank him for that! Just the best guy ever ily him loads
Your such a gem! Absolutely love you! You and your bf are adorable xxx
I wouldn't come back
Jarrod, your such an awesome guy! Don't have a mean bone in your body! Your so funny like how do you not smile after a joke?! Your seriousness some how makes me happier Hahahah don't know how, but your truly one of my favourite guys in my life at the moment, absolutely love spending time with you, there's barely ever a dull moment between us, just ily you heaps oh and your also attractive, xoxoxo oxoxox
Tired of everthjng school just end
Well being honest thought you were a dck of a person, but your not too shabby, seem like a cooly guy, wouldn't mind getting to know you better, also very attractive definately bring back the dreads
Ryan, seems like pre cool bloke don't really know him wouldn't mind getting to know him more :)
Don't even know
No one because I can't trust anyone
Teeth or hair
Zac Efron
Ugly and live forever because if you live forever you have time to get plastic surgery or to learn how to make yourself hot
Today produced some new ones. One was that I look like a man so that was pretty top notch
Depressed because geography
I am perfect
because im perfect
Hi do I know you? Haha nah your a really cool guy! Always say hey, such a great guy! Easily the one the best guys to talk and get along with, miss you soooo much, we need to catch up. And the amount of excitement I have the deb next year is so much! Argh can't wait! Oh and your a really good looking guy!!!
Too bad they all ugly
The best year of my life so far
who are stuck up and who dont show interest
They know
Pitch perfect 2 and fifty shades of grey