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Amy Hansen


Just to stop the same questions Coming through. Yes I am perfect why? Because I am, now anything else?

1.3k Replies

What have you never truly gotten over?


amyhansen replied 2819 days ago

What's it like to be you?


amyhansen replied 2819 days ago

What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?

Ellie Brewster my lil drunk ****

amyhansen replied 3097 days ago

Thoughts pls ThenamesJD

Your a cooly guy, easy as to get along with and crack some good jokes but mine are still better

amyhansen replied 3097 days ago

Thoughts on myself? caitlynmoore

Absolutely adore the hell out of you. Your such an positive person to be around, I love it! You make work seem so much better, you do headset which I love you for because I wanna kill that machine thing, you and jack are 2016 cutest couple, your a huge babe with a rockin body, and you are just so gorgeous!!!! I can see you going so far in life and im so excited to see where you end up!! Love you lots girl ???

amyhansen replied 3097 days ago 1 1

What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?


amyhansen replied 3099 days ago 1

Who do people always say you look like?

My evil sister

amyhansen replied 3105 days ago

If you could forget one thing, what would it be?

The whole LW experience and him

amyhansen replied 3110 days ago 1

Your current mood ?

Not good

amyhansen replied 3112 days ago

I don't get it? Jake_Saville


amyhansen replied 3113 days ago 2

me xx Jarrodmartin

Your big soft ****, nah absolutely adore the sht out of you, you make me feel so welcomed and special, you try real hard to be funny but no one is as good as me at cracking jokes, your so chilled back and make things seem so simple, keen as to finish ahs and breaking bad gonna be so good OML, dreading the walk down wanstead street tho ? Jake may as well show the Maccas crew this one too, anyways love you lots ?

amyhansen replied 3115 days ago 1

What are you terrible at ?


amyhansen replied 3122 days ago

What do you want for xmas ?

Too much

amyhansen replied 3124 days ago

What got you upset recently?

Business and bio

amyhansen replied 3127 days ago 1

Which song describes your mood today ?

I'm so excited

amyhansen replied 3131 days ago