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nah probs not
nah no way and yeah around 6 months ago
yeah I'm pretty sure i know I'm full vietnamese
maybe I'm confused though
Yash, Stefan and Ashton
Any but asians, Greeks are my favourite though so *exy
Robbie's hot, finally getting to know him better and he's not as shy I thought he was. Jonni used to be a good friend of mine and he's a sweet boy, good to talk to. Chris is a funny dude, really good personality and overall great guy. Matt is possibly the funniest guy I know, does my give a **** and he is the best singer, love matty. Stefan my favvvvv, funniest and tallest kid haha he has such a good sense of humour, were like the same person pretty much, also has lots of chins that fatty
nah haha
asians aren't my type really. ive dated a halfie but if i had the choice now, maybe, it depends on who i guess!!
I got a few online somewhere about a month ago so I don't remember
oh no not from her but yeah it was so good!
hates a pretty intense word, id say i dislike some people but not hate
nah I can't be bothered with that anymore only need my basics and that's it!
Miranda who? but nah I didn't get it off a Miranda, the one I got it from is an older girl! and a boutique In yarraville babe
I got it off a girl who wore it once and didn't want it anymore so it's only a one time thing, she doesn't have more of them
pretty ****, my heels hurt from standing in one spot hahah
leather jacket and manning cartell skirt 100% also my turtlenecks knits and basic knits too!
thank you you're too nice!
it's gorgeous isn't it!! luckily I got it off someone else so I didn't have to pay the full price
thanks hun and yeah not too long ago!
I do wear bras but usually when it's necessary like for school, work and with tight stuff but other than that, no bra is heaps better!! can we stop with questions about my boo*s now it's weird
I don't know? maybe they're just not saggy and I don't really care when my nipples show through what I wear
not tell you m8
I don't know honestly
nah I'm not, why?
haha is that good or bad
manning cartell babe and thank you Xx
shut the **** up she doesn't tag along anywhere. how many times do I have to say that I invite her out or we plan things together shut up and get a life you're actually gay I love it
hahahahha no
nah il touch it this time
haha thank you but I can't really be bothered
for the hundredth time I don't haha
Lol yeah I get that all the time but I am 16
i wonder who this is
surely not, I actually don't work out, other than sport for school, I don't do anything else and it's not even that great haha
don't be! I'm sure you have great eyes too
if we both don't care why should you
it's not weird and he's not even old? he's only turning 19 next month, relax hunny
yeeeeee italian and viet babe
because i am? haha never knew i wasn't allowed to be friends with someone who's older?
yeah id say we're close
hahaha thanks but nah probs won't upload it and I did it to look stupid
I know haha :)
I don't think so but thank you sweetie
not the best surely but thanks!
whoever this is, i love you
hahahha she doesnt s*ck up to me but? ur full wiggin out. she NEVER tags along with me, I personally invite her to come out, now is that such a big problem to you? you must have a **** life as it seems as though this is your only problem xxx
can you shut up now? you've messaged me about 5 times about the same thing and everytime I have said that me and boe are close friends. she's not tagging along anywhere because I invite her to come out with me and she's not s*cking up to me right now lol. get a life and stop starting ****, don't know why you keep bringing up this same thing when it has nothing to do with you, you're pathetic hun.
she definitely doesn't try to be me, why are you still going on about this? does it bother you that much
so I still don't understand why you keep bringing up this to me? if you have a problem then why don't you go to "blondie" and talk to her. and she's not my tail, we simply go out together, appear in each other's photos and that shouldn't be such a big deal hahah if you're really so worked up about this then I feel sorry for you
lub chu boe
we are both soooooo different so there's no way she could be trying to be me just shut up
yeah get ****ed, can't friends hang out together
how is it sad that's she's hanging out with me? who said she's not allowed to lol we recently started hanging out on the weekends more and going out together so why does it matter if she's always with me?
lol no they don't, we are all really different, different views on things dress differently so I don't know what you keep going on about
you tell em boe
how is that because she's always with me she's trying to be me? hahahha wow, obviously we would have lots of photos together if we are really close friends. but thinking about it she ️probs has a massive lesbian crush on me
around 5-10 for a day to day thing but probs 20 when I go out so not long
full azn
maybe next holidays
it's already uploaded?
were both pretty different
just finished work
is that good or bad
yeah few pairs
no thanks buds
I don't
there's 2 blonde girls, which one are you talking about
it's a tight maxi skirt jhaha barely can stretch my legs in it
oh here's an amy froffer
I'm not sure if you're serious but no
I actually find a lot of things funny even the stupidest or smaller things
what's with these questions one after the other. but yeah i would one day
he never did drugs when I was with him so shut up. you people annoy me, why don't you go speak to him about it if you're so concerned
stupid people or people who talk way to much
I ask myself that too
no hshah no chance, my friends had my phone and wrote it sorry no p*rnstar here
yeah I do been on for like 26 months fml
oh really now
Mac Russian red or something like that
gahaha thanks