Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
so Monique, Kristy is now male?
pink fluffy handcuffs
finn the human
eyebrow p*rn
pricks with tiny ****s
on point (y)
My big sis xxx
Usually, unless your an ***hole then no :)
Phillip Phillips
Says who?
That I'm a drugo, that I'm a **** and that I am untrustworthy and irresponsible.
DID YOU EVEN ****ING TAKE IN ANYTHING I SAID YOU ****ING OAF, did you even understand anything I said? Leave me the guck alone, please and thank you.
Same ****ing thing as the last answer
I'm not ****ing answering this again, get your lazy as* on and look at my bloody answer and if mike has a problem with this he can ****ing grow some balls and talk to me him self or anyone else that want to talk to me about this matter.
Whatttt?? I haven't talked to Sonine in like two years, and how am I lying when I haven't done drugs I mean panadol, yeh, if you want to be funny, but non of that other stuff, and have you ever thought that by saying these things it hurts me and makes other people think I do these things. I mean YOU believe Sonine, someone who I haven't talked to in TWO YEARS over me, some one that is telling YOU a possible a stranger, that I don't do drugs? How low do some people have to get before they start picking on people like myself? Why can't you, just for ones, actually listen to what I'm saying and take it in before you start to accuse me of these things, it's the same with people asking me if I've had *ex, of cause I haven't, I'm not a ****, but then again I'm not saying every girl that has *ex a ****, look at your mum for example. All I'm saying is does it make you feel good to go out of your way to be nosey and make someone feel bad about them selfs just so you can know all the latest gossip, so you can be a ***** and an ***hole and make someone feel so worthless and like **** that they want to physically want to harm themselves? And what do you get out of it? Hmmm? A laugh? A laugh at the expense of someone's wellbeing or someone's life? Have you ever thought that your words, what you say to go out of your way to attack someone like this might actually bring someone down so low that they want to kill them selfs? No you didn't, because it's all a laugh to you, you would never think about the long term consequences of your actions. So don't, don't ask me again, I have given you your precious answer and I hope it's enough to keep you satisfied because god help me if I get another question like this I'm going to hit rock bottom. Happy?
have you seen Easy A? you should probably watch it.
Umm what? English please?
Why don't you have the balls to inbox me, let alone actually talk to me, if you can't do that then I don't see why I have to answer your question.
No! Why do people keep saying that
I didn't get to go :(
Really now? why are you so desperate to know?
yeh, ha.
well, yep.
nope :(
yeh i know.
i dont, you just think i do. so could you stop, thanks.
yeh i guess
dog. any colour. no day. Thursday. August. rice.
not really
as we can tell
this is the kind of thing that make me think, wow some people just dont have a life :) xxx
a piece of ****. jks you know im just taking the piss out of ya xxx
ohhh someone wanting in. look narr probably no one
i dont know like all of yous. we weren't there very long, and its kind of hard to get to know people
Pest <3
Everyone equally, except for Pest I miss him least <3
Everyone. I miss you all xxxx
its getting better, hopefully it will be all g soon :)
im not even going to say anything
if i get around to it
that sentence did not make any sense
i didnt know that, thanks for being a stuck up f***** that has nothing better to do with their life :)
people sticking up for me?!?!?! whaaaaaa??!!?!
its ok mike, it doesn't effect me :)
wow thanks for the deep life lesson.
and that, is called bullying.
its because my sister is answering them and its connected to my Facebook and she is not un-ticking the box that says 'share [ ] Facebook'. Tilly it would be nice if YOU COULD UN-TICK THAT BEFORE POSTING ANYTHING OR ILL BE CHANGING MY PASSWORD
this is really getting ridiculous
no comment
no comment
no comment
well i did say I've never masterbated so yeah that mean i have never fingered myself!
or not hahahah
Probably not
We aren't that close yet
Eh eh eh **** pineapples
The nicer one
Guys are **** so far, but I guess anyone is welcome to change my mind
Being genuine and smart
A year maybe
Somewhere... No anywhere where the native language isn't English
Hey thanks mate :)
It's ****ing bad for you and no one should even think about doing something like smoking
**** question tbh
Somewhere hidden away where there are no people or things to worry about
Ummm... Mike
Tbh I don't remember 5 girls and 5 boys from KPS but I will say that I would like to catch up with all of yous, I made some good friends their :)
Well haven't seen James in a while but I'm sure he's still a nice kid :)
I miss my girl jazz, Lauren, Meiho and all my other real friends that moved away :(
because people like bring down other peoples lives and making others lives hell and starting ****! and i have no idea why don't you ask them! coz if i knew id tell then where they can take it :)
when im ready there is no age just when i am ready
how I dont know who you are!?
what! no!
no i never have! why do people keep saying this????
is there something wrong with you in the head? - Tilly
ok this is tilly and honestly i don't like that you are being a smart! so if you don't mind f.u.c.k off :)
ahhah trust this :) love you Tilly <3
okie dokie