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Amy Thompson


Ask or tell me anything you like

1.3k Replies

If Kristy was in p*rn what category would he be under?

so Monique, Kristy is now male?

amythompsona2 replied 3546 days ago

If rue was in p*rn what category would he be under?

pink fluffy handcuffs

amythompsona2 replied 3548 days ago 1

If Lauren Beatle was in p*rn what category would he be under?

finn the human

amythompsona2 replied 3548 days ago 1

If Andy Ellis was in p*rn what category would he be under?

eyebrow p*rn

amythompsona2 replied 3548 days ago 1

If Brett was in p*rn what category would he be under?

pricks with tiny ****s

amythompsona2 replied 3548 days ago 1

Review on Rue's fashion?

on point (y)

amythompsona2 replied 3549 days ago 1

Who would you take a bullet for?

My big sis xxx

amythompsona2 replied 3669 days ago

Do you give guys second chances ? (Asked on both and ask.em)

Usually, unless your an ***hole then no :)

amythompsona2 replied 3669 days ago

Your hope dangling by a string I'll share in your suffering to make you well, give me reasons to believe that you would do the same for me and I would do it for you

Phillip Phillips

amythompsona2 replied 3752 days ago

You are amazing Amy such a cutie. Xx

Says who?

amythompsona2 replied 3756 days ago

What’s a common misconception people have about you?

That I'm a drugo, that I'm a **** and that I am untrustworthy and irresponsible.

amythompsona2 replied 3762 days ago

Someone* not sonine whoops

DID YOU EVEN ****ING TAKE IN ANYTHING I SAID YOU ****ING OAF, did you even understand anything I said? Leave me the guck alone, please and thank you.

amythompsona2 replied 3784 days ago

What's going on with you and James?

Same ****ing thing as the last answer

amythompsona2 replied 3784 days ago

What's happened with you and Michael?

I'm not ****ing answering this again, get your lazy as* on and look at my bloody answer and if mike has a problem with this he can ****ing grow some balls and talk to me him self or anyone else that want to talk to me about this matter.

amythompsona2 replied 3784 days ago

Because sonine said you have done drugs on like Thursdays and stuff? Why do you lie?

Whatttt?? I haven't talked to Sonine in like two years, and how am I lying when I haven't done drugs I mean panadol, yeh, if you want to be funny, but non of that other stuff, and have you ever thought that by saying these things it hurts me and makes other people think I do these things. I mean YOU believe Sonine, someone who I haven't talked to in TWO YEARS over me, some one that is telling YOU a possible a stranger, that I don't do drugs? How low do some people have to get before they start picking on people like myself? Why can't you, just for ones, actually listen to what I'm saying and take it in before you start to accuse me of these things, it's the same with people asking me if I've had *ex, of cause I haven't, I'm not a ****, but then again I'm not saying every girl that has *ex a ****, look at your mum for example. All I'm saying is does it make you feel good to go out of your way to be nosey and make someone feel bad about them selfs just so you can know all the latest gossip, so you can be a ***** and an ***hole and make someone feel so worthless and like **** that they want to physically want to harm themselves? And what do you get out of it? Hmmm? A laugh? A laugh at the expense of someone's wellbeing or someone's life? Have you ever thought that your words, what you say to go out of your way to attack someone like this might actually bring someone down so low that they want to kill them selfs? No you didn't, because it's all a laugh to you, you would never think about the long term consequences of your actions. So don't, don't ask me again, I have given you your precious answer and I hope it's enough to keep you satisfied because god help me if I get another question like this I'm going to hit rock bottom. Happy?

amythompsona2 replied 3784 days ago