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Amy Roos


ask me stuff

143 Replies

thoughts x jazmanspazman

love you xx

amyyroos replied 3637 days ago

thoughts on alannah?


amyyroos replied 3637 days ago


thank you peasent

amyyroos replied 3637 days ago

Thoughts?? tennysonw1

crack up, good kid, love ya

amyyroos replied 3637 days ago

come here my boy

okay xoxoxo

amyyroos replied 3637 days ago

get in with zamo!!!

ive tried countless amounts of times, he aint interested

amyyroos replied 3637 days ago

What's your definition of a perfect date?

probably golden star chinese restaurant, and floggin a frozen coke

amyyroos replied 3637 days ago 1

Okay so the other day i was going for my casual stroll past the back of IGA with my dog named smithers, and i noticed you feasting on a rat with your family. I tried giving you a piece of my chicken and cheese burger .

hi. first of all, it was a DOMESTIC rat, secondly, i much prefer to feast on a rat than a chicken and cheese burger :)

amyyroos replied 3637 days ago 1

What are you addicted to?

probably shizwan chicken or something like that...

amyyroos replied 3637 days ago

thoughts on crystal milne? xxx

such a nice girl, really easy to get along with and so pretty! Don't know her too well but should get to know each other more xxx

amyyroos replied 3716 days ago

thoughts???? :)) jordanharris_

such a nice guy, we have met a few times but dont talk a lot, you're really attractive and would love to get to know you better :)))

amyyroos replied 3721 days ago


my thoughts are endless

amyyroos replied 3721 days ago 1


love you too

amyyroos replied 3721 days ago 1

is it true you ate a piece of human s/hit at rosi park for a frozen coke?

yes taylah

amyyroos replied 3721 days ago

ever done drugs

no wayyy

amyyroos replied 3733 days ago