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What do Ya wanna know?

84 Replies

by watter maatskappye ? (Shoots)

Dream isle was my laaste

anaisb4 replied 2354 days ago

instagram naam


anaisb4 replied 2354 days ago

het jy al ooit actually enige shoots gekry ?


anaisb4 replied 2364 days ago

What if he was refusing to let go because he didnt wanna go into the net? ??

Then I guess I would leave him hanging ??❤️

anaisb4 replied 2364 days ago

how is your best friend(girl)?

Hopefully she is doing better❤️ I haven't seen her in a while Cuase it's holidays but I miss her alot❤️ wish to make more memories with her?

anaisb4 replied 2364 days ago

Jy En Harry al official?

Nee nog ni❤️ons vibe? net Baie liefde vir hom❤️❤️

anaisb4 replied 2364 days ago

What if they were asking you to send him down into a net below? ??

Then yes I would allow him to fall down or push him if it was a act of self defence. And before that, I would then just assure him that he will fall safely with a "soft" landing?❤️

anaisb4 replied 2366 days ago

Hahaha if it depends on distance, what if it was a small ledge and there were cops waiting on the ground below? ??

Well. That's a different scenario?❤️ well I'm sure cops have legs to run up a flight or two of stairs and come fetch him themselves. But still I will save him, as you say the cops are there so why not save him so that he can then live the rest of his miserable life in jail. And taking the punishment like a man? Good question tho❤️ got another?

anaisb4 replied 2367 days ago

Imagine a rapist hanging off a ledge for dear life. Now imagine yourself standing on the edge looking down at them. What do you do to them?

I would help him up.❤️ After making a life depended bet.? But I don't judge people. I would help him up and hope he does good for me in return as well. (by not raping me.)
But It also depends on the distance from the ledge to the ground. ?❤️

anaisb4 replied 2367 days ago

Fav graad 8 ies??

Alryn Zane lize elcke. En nog n Paar ander ook❤️?

anaisb4 replied 2367 days ago

Ken jy mense in durbanville ?

Ja ek bly in durbanville❤️ En ek ken ook mense van durbanville skool?

anaisb4 replied 2367 days ago

Jy en Harry is soo oulik ??

Omwww soo Baie dankiee joh soveel liefde vir jou x ❤️

anaisb4 replied 2371 days ago

Jy en Harry is soo oulik ?? x_chxnell

Omwww dankiee soo baie❤️❤️

anaisb4 replied 2371 days ago 1

Is Harry jou Kêrel???

Nee ni officially ni? Ons is net Baie close❤️ Gani uit ni x vibe net❤️❤️

anaisb4 replied 2372 days ago

Where do you originate from?

Germany x pure German blood❤️❤️

anaisb4 replied 2376 days ago