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Not turning into a hoe*...
Drink all day...every day...with ma fwends Zash nd Annie......#LaughingFace!
Seing one/any of my friends turn into a hoe!!!!!!!!
Nah...not yet anyways!
Well no guy has done that the closest thing to that my mom*! mom....u knw how she HAD to....when she changed my nappy???yeah....
First of all...I'm not sure what that is like....dnt knw at all *coughs*
Naah....gtta get 2 knw 'em first
Vito Tshiki! farrrr,,,!!!
Having a niggahs hands go down my as*! *closes eyes*
That's for me to knw and you to find out*...*wink*
Lurv uu more my crazyyyyyyyyyyyy as* cuzzy!!!...luv uu Annie!!
Love you I guess..who ever you are :D
Why do you care..uyamufuna nha ..???
not yet....but ke...some time in my life...#gcaa:!
Thnxx boo...luruvees u too...#whoever u are# *no offence*
Aww no man..thnXX *lurvies u 2 #anonymous#