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ya one of them
Nah she less cool than me
This year I've gotten friends with amy Lauren and Dayna
Both really nice people
Um my family I guess
Wtf no I have contacts
Perfect teeth and glasses, cause than I can just get contacts
Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi
Aerobics, but if you mean insterschool than probably tennis
Yr 8 cause I know who I'm closer to
Bethany, Amy, Lauren, Dayna
They are the best!
Tanks :P
I got through, get your facts right
Karolina, Shay, Beth, Sof, Astrid
My best friends
That's easy, bg
I'm doing losing feet by Charles Blackman
Karolina, Brittney, Melanie, Maya, Grace, Katy, Shay, Beth
I don't I don't even know how
Thx whoever you are! I really appreciate it
Thank you! Ily! This person is a dziewczyna pies
Thx Claire
A friend didn't tell, u were there I know who u are
No, I think your the one who thinks ur cool
Kik me same as my insta
Uh yeah u do its says in ur insta bio
Send me a message but don't ask anonymously so I know it's u
Your obviously not lily cause u have lied about the other people
I need proof. What's ur sisters and bffs name? Where did Lavinia go for holiday?
Flexible: I want to become more flexible Fit: I'm sorry but who evers speaking dosent know the meaning of fit! You come and try 6 hours of training a week. Hair: one of my coaches had shorter hair than mine and she was fine, and anyway it dosent make a difference if I have short hair or not Glasses: I think you need glasses to see that your just going to keep trying to annoy me, but I won't give in, cause your just a female dog!
You tell me the truth first. Who are you?
Liar! You guys got smashed. Ur not maya, and don't try and make think ur one of my other friends either
You need proof. How did ur basketball game go yesterday?
Only if u tell me who ur?
If u wanted to know u didn't have to ask so rudely!
Why do u care, it's not like you're my friend
Cause my friend was feeling ill and her thought hurt
I'm going to be nice enough to not say on qooh me, but I will tell you
That's what I guessed. I know who you are and I hate you so much you are so rude, and I hope so much that u don't get into level 4 because you don't deserve it, the way you make people think your sweet and lovely but you are really someone who can make people feel so bad and I never ever want to talk to again!
Are you being nice or rude?
Why, weren't you taught that if u have nothing nice to say don't say it?
Srsly stop! Why are you so bad at being nice?
Hehe thx brittney
Awww thx
It's kind of obvious!
Sometimes I don't know why people like you are aloud to say mean things like this
Don't know if I should believe it
Seriously, just tell me who u are, I know ur 1 of 2 people I think, and no, I'm not going to tell you who i think it is. Kik me or something to tell me, I just don't get how u can't just tell me?
That's not true the only place I said where my qooh me is is on Instagram and even tough I know your lying its aniapanda so there's nothing to stop u know
If u really think of me in that way just say it to my face or say it on Instagram
Even if I say you'll deny it
Why do u keep sending rude qooh.mes if u know their not nice?
Because it's fun and I can become more flexible by doing it, btw I know who this is.
You are the rude and have no respect if u think it's ok to send these type of messages
I don't think I'm the best, I actually think I'm one of the worst in aerobics, but I try! And I'm not stuck up at all
She's really nice, sweet and friendly and I can't wait to become better friends with her
If your talking about the last thing I replied to it wasn\'t about brittney
well she was abit annoying because when she asked if she could come to my house i said i was doing something but then she started crying. Were friends again but not the best.
dont remember anyones family taking me out for dinner with them.