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78 Replies

What do you hope to be after your studies?

A score composer and conductor. ??

anjeesterhuizen replied 2369 days ago

Plans for 2018?

Gonna Study. ???

anjeesterhuizen replied 2453 days ago

Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?

Working hard. ?

anjeesterhuizen replied 2512 days ago

What's something you fell in love with instantly?

Music. ?

anjeesterhuizen replied 2542 days ago

What makes you uncomfortable?

Being pressured.

anjeesterhuizen replied 2556 days ago

What will you never ever do again?

Trust certain people.

anjeesterhuizen replied 2560 days ago

How much money do you need right now and why ?

I'm too greedy, so I won't answer that.

anjeesterhuizen replied 2568 days ago

How can you be a better person?

By learning how to love/forgive others, despite the pain that they might have caused.

anjeesterhuizen replied 2578 days ago

What is the happiest thing that has happened to you in the past 24 hours?

Finally got to watch some of Game of Thrones season 7. ?

anjeesterhuizen replied 2584 days ago

What quote do you live by?

Never underestimate yourself, or let your circumstances define you or your capability to do something.

anjeesterhuizen replied 2591 days ago 1

You find your best friend in your room but he/ she is the size of a mouse. What do you do?

Wtf. Laugh until my eyes fall out (or until I'm the size of a mouse) ?

anjeesterhuizen replied 2599 days ago

What type of people annoy you the most?

People who think too much of themselves.

anjeesterhuizen replied 2601 days ago

What do you wish your parents understood?

Cellphones. ?

anjeesterhuizen replied 2606 days ago

If you could travel back in time where would you go or what would you get?

I would probably go back to when my gramps was still alive. He was an amazing person and role model, I miss him a lot.

anjeesterhuizen replied 2610 days ago

Working or studying currently?

Working as an assistant music teacher atm, planning on studying again next year. ?

anjeesterhuizen replied 2610 days ago