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Anna Caudwell


Ask me anything you like anonymously

65 Replies

leave Anna alone. she's cool. :)

tanks :3

annacaudwell replied 4219 days ago

Still said it you dumb Bit**

I'm not a dumb Bit**. you're a dumb anon. I didn't do what every bodies saying I did. I didn't say anything about Connor. I didn't even know him and Olivia went out I'm that behind on goss. do I never said that shi*

annacaudwell replied 4226 days ago

connor has a girlfriend why would you want to get with him?

I don't want to get with him. I wouldn't do that to livvy! that was awhile ago. I'm past that point

annacaudwell replied 4226 days ago

That's so f***ed. Of corse you knew omg

I DIDN'T f***ING KNOW! I don't even get fb on my phone or anything I can't keep up on the goss

annacaudwell replied 4226 days ago

Stay out of Connors and Livvy's relationship. I read before that you didn't know they went out, but you did. They told you. Just stop Anna. You always find a way of hurting Olivia.

wow wtf. they didn't tell me I haven't like had a convo with them all year. OMFG I said I would I didn't say I was going to and I didn't. if I found out he had a girlfriend I would back the f*** off. that's ratshi* otherwise. Me and Chris never got together or had a thing. I went out with Alex. get your facts straight m8

annacaudwell replied 4226 days ago

Why would you say that you want to get with Connor again knowing that he has a girlfriend? That's f***ed

1. I said I would I didn't say I wanted to and 2. I didn't know he had a girlfriend

annacaudwell replied 4226 days ago

Do you want to get with Connor duff again?

no?! I haven't like been to any parties since Ellen's

annacaudwell replied 4226 days ago

Jealousy floating around out there. Don't change who you are, even though I know you won't . You're cool.
xoxo anon

thanks anon ily xoxox

annacaudwell replied 4232 days ago

Lol I enjoy how erryone\'s telling to to eat more when I\'ve witnessed you eat like a tank everyday. You work so hard to have the body of everyone\'s dreams so I think there is a bit of

hehe yea you must be a hostel mate(;

annacaudwell replied 4232 days ago

I think u r just beautiful just the way u r!!!!!!

thankyou!!! xxx

annacaudwell replied 4238 days ago

Who cares if anna is skinny, she could just be really fit? and it could be a genetic thing? f*** up, and get over it, as long as she is happy, then leave her alone, everyone is different, the cant help being who they are SO f*** UP

thankyou! trust me it ain't genetics! I love you anon xox

annacaudwell replied 4245 days ago 2

Don't be hatin on a player Anna's got the phattest body :) :) <3 stink ****s

hahaha thanks? <33

annacaudwell replied 4245 days ago 1

eat more then because your too skinny, your friends say your body is perfect and shi* but they all know that you are too skinny they just dont wanna tell you! im a boy and i speak for all boys... your too skinny . but you are a lovely nice girl and all :p

I dont want to eat more cause then i'll get fat. I used to be called fat and once I got told I had a big as* and ever since then I've tried to be "that skinny girl" and yea it kinda rules my life at times but thats who i am and im not gonna chamge for you. my friends love me as I am and I don't think I'm to skinny. I've never been a normal weight I've always been underweight and that's just who I am. well you're a boy I wouldn't date cause I'm obviously not fat enough for you so get f***ed. f*** you.

annacaudwell replied 4245 days ago

do you even eat?

bro. I eat heaps at the hostel. I just workout heaps too.

annacaudwell replied 4245 days ago 3

you're happy all the hate in the world shouldn''t matter. you are beautiful. from rose xoxoxoxox I love you. (part three) roseycoleman

this is why you're one of my best friends! I love you rose xoxoxoxoxoxo

annacaudwell replied 4245 days ago