Yo!! How are you?? I think i`m more Friends with you then you are with me ;/ We need catch up one day
I love catching up with anonymous people! (not that I don't know who wrote this)
Hey!! Why are you friends with Sarah?? Has she ever been nice to you at al!!What real friend is she?? Eww
wot. this is from 421 days ago
Your deepest darkest secret #justtellittotheworld miabateman
my long red hair is just a wig! :O
connoisseur belgian chocolate ice cream
what did you have for dinner? miabateman
stirfry with beef and rice and carrot and beans and broccoli and I can't remember what else
Would you rather $1,000,000 or end poverty miabateman
End poverty. #wowanna #suchagoodhumanbeing #sothoughtful
I came out to have a good time and I am honestly feeling so attacked right now.
#progress #learning #welldone
gosh mia learn how to spell.
Hey now, words can really hurt ;)
How many best friends do you have??
I'd say seven that I trust and like the most, but there's other close friends that are up there. :)
What freaks you out ?
girls who are like "oh my god I ate so much yesterday, I had like two apples and some orange juice." b i t c h, I'll eat you in a minute.
Can money buy love?
Money can buy food and concert tickets, that's love.
2 things you dislike about yourself?
1. I'm not Beyonce.
2. I'm not Beyonce.
What did you last dream about?
HAHA a girl in our year trying to kill Jesse and I :')
Do you still go to marist?
No I've moved to st. paul's
How many kids do you want to have?
What makes people boring?
When they can't keep up a conversation or they take everything seriously
Stephanie toes :D
dont know why i thought of it :) sarahrruddell
Omfg that was the weirdest thing ever, I was so confused
favorite song of all time?
My favourite song changes like everyday. It's probably Banana Pancakes. But the Safia remix of Tear It Down by The Aston Shuffle is pretty amazing too. And pretty much every song of Dylan Joel's :)
Didn't invite me last weekend? thanks alot.
Um. Who are you?
A super power you wish you had?
I'd wanna read minds
what is the lowest age you would have se*?
Don't know
What are you really good at?
Bad puns.
Who would you like thank today and what for?
My arms, for always being by my side and my legs for always supporting me.
What pisses you off the most?
When Mia thinks that I think we're friends. ;)
Why do you have two phones
I don't.
Seriously ?
Seriously what?
have you ever had braces??
Nope, why?
Um no! I'm poo compared to you! miabateman
Of course you are -_-
are you getting braces??
****in hell talk more about mia
You're like a 9 at singing! >:( miabateman
Says you! You're legit the best singer I know
Someone you miss...?
So many people it's not funny
Part two! Haha
You can always make me feel good (pro ego-booster ;)) and you never ever judge me for anything.
I really miss being in your class and hanging out with you but I'm so happy that we play netball together now!
I'll text you something else that i shouldn't put on here aha ;)
OMG that's like the nicest thing someone's ever said about me! :* miabateman
Part two! Haha
You can always make me feel good (pro ego-booster
Thoughts? And cw xxx miabateman
Omg, okay bear with me.
As soon as we started talking we just clicked. I still reckon that night on year seven camp was the funniest thing ever, I couldn't stop laughing for ages! It feels like I've known you forever and I find it so weird that we met just two years ago!
You're hilarious, smart, super pretty, sporty (so good at netball), trustworthy, sarcastic, super nice to me and just everything I would want in a friend. You're also way talented at everything, like sport, singing, playing instruments and every subject at school. It's unfair.
You always laugh at my jokes even when they s*ck or no one else gets it. You totally get me and my sense of humour and we have heaps in common, it's insane. tbc ;)
How friends are you with cheryl from 1-10
Umm no idea, she's nice but we barely talk.
why did you say mia??
Because she replaced me ;)
Out of all your friends who's your least favorite
What kind of a question is that? It's obviously Mia.
How well do you think you sing on a scale of 1-10?
lol like a 4. I'm not good at all but I'm not so bad that you wouldn't be able to listen to me aha
why dont you ever answer it? I just need to know if I'm on it
Because honestly I wouldn't be able to decide, and you shouldn't need to reassure yourself that you're good looking enough by checking to see if you're on my list of prettiest girls. You should know that it doesn't matter whether you are or not and that you don't need someone to approve of how you look. (:
Top 3 best friends in order?
chiara jesse liv grace nat mia. Not in order :)
fav year 7 marist?
Don't have one
top 10 prettiest year 9 girls marist?
They're all gorgeous and they don't need to be ordered. :)
Geez just back of Mia hates you! Gosh get over yourself. You guys talk like all the time! You aren't friends! Wot nat_sloan
who was your best friend in kinder garden?
Liv (of course hehe), Emma, Bree, Julia, probably some others that I can't remember
Top 5 marist girrrrls?
Just answered this :)
Current best friends...
Uhh from Marist it would be (not in order) chiara jesse grace nat mia. :)
What upsets you?
Burning my toast. The struggle is real.
Um ok? She is my best friend and I love her to bits xx always have been always will be haha miabateman
Haha I think this anon cares a bit too much about how close other people are! But ditto ;) xox
And besides, I don't 'rank' my friends as to who's my 'number one friend' etc... You're either my friend or you're not. So just leave Anna the fu.ck alone and mind you're own business miabateman
The jokes on whoever had sent that over anon. U obviously don't realise how much I love Anna! I didn't replace her 4 any1... So su.ck it up whoever u r & get a life that doesn't involve being a bi.tch miabateman
Yeah! Who feels the need to comment stuff like that? I didn't know what to say, it was so stupid.
she got bored of you that's why she doesnt talk to you anymore your not her best friend never have been never will be haha
Why do you even care? What did you get out of writing these?
jokes on you because mia is your #1 friend and your her second at most. she replaced you just deal with it she doesn't even like you hardly anymore
hottest year 9 guy marist?
do you prefer straight or bendy straws?
All straws are equal, I don't discriminate
Hahahaha I didn't even realise they spelled my last name wrong! DEFINITELY doesn't know us very well.... People need to tell us to shut up *cough grace cough* ;) miabateman
Hahahaha yep Grace has had to tell us to shut up quite a bit ;) Everyone is probably glad they're not in a class with us anymore haha
Ragrets :') #greatmovie #ifonlyhastaggingworkedonqooh ;) miabateman
Gotta love we're the millers! ;)
do you regret saying that big thing about sarah on this
No, it had to be said so I said it. No ragrets. Not even a single letter. ;) but yeah that whole drama was ages ago and it doesn't really need to be brought up now.
Mia batemen is on your best friend list on snapchat. Since when were you and her close you don't talk
We've been best friends for ages! As she said today you obviously don't know us very well haha. And it's Bateman*. :)
What is success to you?
Winning our first game of netball after a super hard season last year ☺
prettiest year 9 girls?
Too many to say!
Top 3 people in 9D?
Jesse Chiara Nat
whats the longest you've ever grown your hair?
I got a haircut like two weeks ago but before that i think that's the longest it's ever been
Who do you hate from marist
No one
Your right hes gorgous
Haha :)
How long was your last call
12 seconds haha quickly asking to be picked up
thoughts on sarahhh ruddles?
Sorry done this before :)
describe your best friend in 5 words
Fun, trustworthy, talkative, loyal, and loud :) hehe xx
A person you never want to talk to again?
There is probably someone but I wouldn't say it here :p
Anna ot me but I have ran out of credit sarahruddell
I thought it was you because you posted on instagram haha. Did you get a phone?
If one of your close girl frends started dating a really nice guy 3 years older than your frend, what would be your thoughts on them/your frend?
Depends on which friend it is and who the guy is
describe urself in 5 words???
Loyal, opinionated, trustworthy, perceptive. Not sure about another one :)
If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?
What career did you end up going after and what's the biggest mistake you've ever made?
Who are your top best friends?
How many?
I want your boxgap, like legit your box-gap. With the box between your legs and all ;)
Hahaha I laughed so much at myself making that it was sad ;)
what advice would u give to urself one year ago if u could?
Don't take things for granted I guess? This year was awesome but it felt like it went by so fast :(
Sorry aha when I go on this I read other people's replies more than I answer mine ;)
thoughts on what sarah r did
Every single time she's confronted someone on the internet, it has started a fight or ruined a friendship, or something worse which I shouldn't even say. I just thought she'd know by now it's far better for everyone, especially her, to sort stuff out in real life. And since I know Sarah will read this (and i think she should see this anyway) I want her to know I'm saying this for her sake, because I seriously think it's time for her to understand that. I honestly don't think anyone would forgive her if she did something like this again.
The thing you want the most this Xmas?
To see my brother and redo my room. :)
um.... isn't your username annahall? XD hahahahhahah jessebateman
Yeah idk what that was about haha ;)
Damn emojis don't work on this! :/ jessebateman
Yeah haha :)
you took my ig username and my qooh me username. Change it.
Hahaha really? & no aha
Top 5 best friends in order nat_sloan
In order is too awkward when people aren't put first so this isn't in order - Jess Jesse Mia Jess Gracious and you. :) oops that was too many.
Who is 3 friends you can trust in order
Not in order at all because I hate doing that, but Jesse Nat Mia. :)
edougbona ds.vkrenfb ,lvsd
we still friends
Not sure, depends on who you are?
Not as cute as my sisters best friends mothers second cousins gold fishes original owners sons as* ;) miabateman
Oh god remind me why I'm friends with you haha
hahaha i didn't say the derp thing either! :D hahahah :P jessebateman
That's weird hahaha no one else says it to me
Hahahaha funny thing is, it wasn't me who did the derp thing (: miabateman
Oh haha then I'm guessing Jesse :)
am I one of your bestfriends?
Maybe if I knew who you were? Haha
Derp. Love anon
Jesse or Mia? Haha