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Ask us names and we will compliment them x

52 Replies

Caitlin Williams

Caitlin friggen Williams. Man she is a crazy chic. But she seems really nice and fun to hang out with. Always smiling and she definitely is injury prone.

anoncompliments replied 3642 days ago

How long do you want to live?

Until the sky falls down

anoncompliments replied 3758 days ago

Dumbest thing you've ever heard?

Believe this or not, "Is Stevie Wonder still blind?" Yep some people are just so...not going to go there.

anoncompliments replied 3899 days ago

Gabriela stefanov

Funny chic. Good at dancing and loves her music. Don't really know her too well, but from what I know, she doesn't care what people have to say about her. Just as long as she knows that what she is doing is right.

anoncompliments replied 3900 days ago


Haven't I already done you?

anoncompliments replied 3900 days ago

Jessica Fragale x

An awesome girl to hang out with, funny. How is Gorkem? ;) Knows how to have fun but also gets the jist of when to be serious. Pretty and crazayy in a good way.

anoncompliments replied 3900 days ago

Why has Monique changed? Is it a good or bad thing?

Nah it's a good thing. But she has always been nice. Well to me she has

anoncompliments replied 3930 days ago

Monique Kalajdic

She has definitely changed. Not being as much of a bad as* chic no more. Nice, pretty and makes me laugh with her awkward jokes

anoncompliments replied 3931 days ago

Do you go to the Lakes?

Would you be surprised if I said I don't go to the Lakes?

anoncompliments replied 3932 days ago

Kaylee Axon

B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. And I swear if she denies it again she is going to hear it. A very nice person who has an amazing voice and gives great advice. She will definitely listen to what you have to say.

anoncompliments replied 3932 days ago

Natalie Todaro

Albert Einstein. This chic sure knows her stuff. Nice, funny, great personality and a weird laugh hehe. Great at her sports and a pretty girl.

anoncompliments replied 3932 days ago

Awek Dut

Awek! Girl you have the funniest personality. You have this type of cool nature haha. Beautiful girl both inside and out and you're not afraid to give someone a good talking to (by swearing your head off at them). Great girl to spend time with if you need a laugh.

anoncompliments replied 3933 days ago

Who was your childhood best friend?

Bugz Bunny

anoncompliments replied 3934 days ago

The triplets <3

Haha well this is gonna be a bit long. Deeana what can I say? You are a beautiful person. Gorgeous personality that always looks out for her friends. You understand how people feel and you do your best to make them feel better. You get along with so many people it's not funny. Don't change for anyone please! Lara you are hands down one of the most easy going chics I know. can get pretty crazy sometimes (IN A GOOD WAY OF COURSE). You are beautiful and have an awesome personality. Olivia Olivia Olivia. Well, out of you and your sisters, you'd have to be the sportiest. You know how to make people laugh in your unusual way of comedy, but hey at least your making people smile. Very quirky personality and pretty.

anoncompliments replied 3934 days ago 1

serena stella

Funniest chic I know. So easy to talk to and listens to what you have to say. And boy can she belt those vocals of hers. A great addition to St Monica's but I am sure that many people miss her at her previous school, The Lakes. Beautiful personality and so humble.

anoncompliments replied 3934 days ago 1