It's cold and and and I miss yous and and I want your cuddles, so get your kolwyntjie lief arsey next to me right now mineer Oosthuizen, or there's gonna be grooooooott nanas o.o
Grooooot nanas hmmm?:| ek bang nie groot nanas nie Mrs Oosthuizen! Buh buh:c I need your cuddles! So I'm on my way! Waaiitt foorrr meee:'( I'm sloowwwww!! I miss yous tooohhh! Soon soon sooon I shall see you kay?:D :D :D
Myse kolwyntjie :'3
Hellluuhhr myse kolwyntjie lief :0 :'3 \(^o^) JustRobyn
My oulike pasty:c hellurrh my oulike pasty liefetjietjie;;)/
Blam blam!!!! Dude oz mut rrg wea chill sos motha ****as!!!!!! (~.~)
Dude..is jy soos friday of iets free? Dan chill ons!:D! Gaan jy saam sunnies toe die 1ste feb?
Food don't count maggot lol
What???? Food does count you ****!!
When your mom forced you to do ballet as a child how did it effect your life choices
3 years ago,best thing my mom ever forced me into. I'm light on my feet,like a ****ing ninja:o
Where is the most common place you make life choices?
TOILET! My toilet xD
Who do u like on ur bbm or anywhere
Ghighi,eye like my cupicooki O_O nomnomnom
What was your last date like?
Depends on what you classify as a date xD
Hos tokelos ziem kala biem hammy hammy hammy hop hop n n totie male kopie wat se bal sak hoe lyk di dinge
Bal sak praat nog,hy wil nie stil bly nie:c hy's n mother foooker!!
If you could kill someone...how would you do it ?,,
Stab stab stab stab,I would stab the **** out of them!!
My toes are too fancy for you to eat them!!* wha ha ha ha ha \(^o^)/ ...!!!* no way ur gonna get them!!
I will nom your toes tonight!..with my mind!..I will have wet toe dreams about your toes xD
Lol nah I asked first ... Show me ur damn toes or a zombie will bite them off tonight!!* X_X. blood everywhere ... AWESOME!!!*
I'll show you toes when the zombii monstaaah eat meeh tooesss!!!...I am le toe eeattiingg moonnsstaaah ttooooohh!..gimme your toeesss tooohh noommm noom nom nom nom nom(O.O)/
Show me ur toes then I will tell u if I like them or not ;) :P LoL
Show me your toes first xD
Do u like ur toes??*
Haha nooorrrh!...I don't -_-..do you like my toes;;)
How would u wanna die one day??*
I don't know..buht I do know I don't wanna die drowning!..that's the most depressing thing evuuurr:|
If you could be an animal .. Which animal would it be and why??* :p ;)
I would beeh a sloth..because..well..they are awesome!.and they're funneh xD and they look pervered and they are sometimes really stupid buht a funneh stupid..xD
Herrooo mufffiiinn :3 491432
Hellooorrrrh cupicooki^.^
Muffiiiiinnn....!!? O.O 491432
What makes a girl se*y for you?
Well...eyes,hair,piercings and tattoo\'s:\')
Best piercing for a guy??
Best piercing for a laydeh??
Mmmm...for a guy I would say tunnels...best piercing for a girl..I would say labret or belly ring^-^
What is its it it it???
Er er er eerrrrhhhh...yesh:D
So you *****! if f***s were f***ing and you f***ed a f***ed up f***, and god came to earth to rapture all the se*'s... would you know who i am?
Well..I\'m not completely sure!..but please ping me!..I wanna know who you are now : D
Name the friends that you can't live without
U Really Smexxy! :P
Eeerrrhh!..spank you;;)
Who do you like? :D
Who do you like? :D
Don't u ever wish 4 a zombie apocalypse, I mean cerealy fink abwt it.....
Neeerrrhh!..neeerrrh I don\'t-_-...I wish that some people could be eaten by zombi\'s sometimes though
What's your favorite band?
Trolololol those bands:|...eye think carach angren
What's your fantasy? Aka cradle snatcher
Is it true??? There's PIELLE everywhere?? Pielle was in your tree?? O__o Pielle was at the pool??? Pielle was licking your hand o_____O Pielle :\ I miss Pielle :(
I know!..piele oorals waar jy kak!..jou ma het gedans vir piele!..trololololol jeandre het gestaar
Vir piele!..ons ook!...all kinds of piele!!..PIELLE!!!!!!!
Who is the se*iness liking? :P
Ghigghi..why don't you just ping me tooh?:p
Dude... Why u no talk to me anymo??? :(
Dude...tell me who you are...or PING me like a mofo^o^
Meuw I miss talking to yew meh fwendy
Meuw!..ping me buddeh:D
Marry me?
Ghighighi...ping me?
Most embarras*ing moment when it come to a fart???
Eeerrrmmm...what a odd question!!..haha I don't think I have an embaras*ing
Moment when it comes tooh a fart:p
I'm gonna wax your b*m hair! So yew won'tz be fwuffy anymore :P
Ghighi!..nuh aaah!.yeh can't do that!!:P
Monster apocalypse mofo fwuffy!!! 0.o
Ghighi...hairy chest hair on my back:\
Mayownaise hehehe just wana say yewr the best >hug< guess who blue eyes black hair lip piercing
Ghighi...le death bunneh on meh bbm:P ghighi
So Like.... Bit**.... U mush not know who I am o_0. But I can le beh telling yew dat yew beh vewy Awesome :D. And u better head bang with me soon **** bag -_- and also I want my rainbows!!!! \(^o^)/
Ghighi...naaaWw;;) thank yeh!!!...ghighi!...whoever you is!...I think yew're very awesome tooh!
Why you no talk to me no more :'(
Why you noh ping me!??!!...hehe ping me..then I'll talk^_^..but only to you!!:P
Ima fart in yo face
Ima shi* in your mouth \(^o^)/ omnomnnoom !!!
I still need you to show me how to whipe your as* with one block of toilet paper -_-
Please don't...I don't want fart in my face..
I beh le think I know who you are:P
Can u plz take a pic that we can see ur se*y eys and not with ur hear in ur phase ;)
Only if yew tell meh who yew are;)
SUp boSss...*tell mii yo bbm crush bet u already know whO I am*
Lol..I actually don't know who you are...so why don't you tell?
Do you stick your finger up your butt for fun? :D
^_^ where did you hear that?..did your dad
rnCatch you masturbating with your moms
rndi*do?..or do you just s*ck wayyy toOo much
rnDic*...toO come up with lame as* insults
rnLike that you prick face^_^...gimme something
rnWorth reading..and laughing at
rnThat\'s so stupid...I can\'t even laugh at it...even if I
If ur future is not foretold then ur past will be untold☺ fink abwt it.....namaste
I like it when you say think(((O_o)))
Where's my RainBows Bit**? (~ _~) : P
If yew let me squirt my nipple juice again
You can have your f***ing rainbow!!
Would u eva date not a Emo and other girls(:
Because I like u !*
Hehe yesh..I don't just date metalheads..
And I don't date emo's btw^_^...as long as my
Music ish respected...I don't see why not
Hahahahahaw what song reminds yew of mii!?•... -- Marli** \(*O_o*)/
Hehe awaken from dethklok..
Don't know why though(O_o)
Ah deal mistER!!! PiEt bLoU iT iS!! My suRenaMe iS venTer =D anD I'm likE aLmoSt 16 anD uHm wE'vE knoWn eAch otHer foR ℓ°̩Kε 5+ yeArs =D
Hahaha arista!..f*** f*** f***..shi* shi*!!!.
Ok..10 pack! :P
Heeewwwoooo \(^o^)/...okay sooo..meh doesn't know yeww zhat well buh guess what...:D.....meh finks yeww r awesome *dancey fhachey* pew pew pew nom nom nom:| :D
Omi nomi nomi nnom nom...I don't think I know you that good eitehr!!^_^
What song remind yew of mii?• O_o
Well maybe you should tell me who you are first??
OkAy miStEr thiS iδ thE LaSt cLuE... I aLwAys speAk a lot >.> And γσu uSe tO coMe tO мϒ houSe QuiTe a feW timEs aLthoUgh γσu nEvEr viSteD mE! Lol
Lol...one more clue!..but a good one!!
And I'll buy you a pact of smokes..of your choice
Ii do not want yo 2 know who ii am
Lol..and why is that?(O_o)
f***en straw berry milkshake! More like a handshake! Oh yes! Let's all go drink corn flakes!!yesssssss a lawn mower race sounds good right about now! How about spoons.... Spoons are food for eating tyres. Drag race- mof***er!!! I think I love you (0_o)
Inventions in a grape! I'm burning,ím burning for my cow
I think I don't know who you are..ping me?^-^
WeLL miSteR, I'm bLoNd=D, fuNky anD weiRd whiCh iδ pretTy normaL I guesS.. Oh anD I usE tO raDe yoUr smokEs=D
Well can you give me a bit more detail?
Loads od people steal my smokes
U are very do able,, nd if u wanna know more ping me ! Nd I will let u know
Hahaha well you are supposed to ping me..
How should I know who you are ?
Play that funkeh musics white boy!
Cause I'm pretty fly for a mo-f***ing white booy!!
Who do ya Like ? Plz say 1 or 2 names?
Well..ping me..and I'll tell you;)
FuzzyRainbow !!! RrrraaaaaaWr-nesssss :| ... Yesh- RrrraaaaaWr-nesss!!! Pshh, scary hey :o ... Like cheezy fluff on gras*sssss !!!!!!!!! CupCakeCorpse
*rRrrrrAaaaaw*...just gonna stand there and hear me rawr?
But its alright because I am a dinosour(O_o)
Eat my bubbles....♡
Om nom nom...bubble(O_o)...whoop whoop^_^
Who do ya think iss cutee on ya bbm
Well..most girls^_^...every girl ish cute
In their own littly ways
Guess wHo I Am misTer??:P
Mom?(O_o)...joke..well why don't you
Give me a bit more detail before I
Naai naai I like pie, the gras* is green my as* is mean and I'll stab you with mah ho
Naai naai..you like pie...I'll smoke a gwai..unts unts unts ynts:D
°̩ think your hot!! Omg!!
I think you're very kind!.hehe thanks^_^
What song do yews listen when yews feel badas*?????
Break stuff-limp bizkit ^_^
You're mah man***** ^_^
Alway!.. ^_^...meet meh on the conner:)
Who are you're best friends?
Tyron and armand \(•o•)/
I feel like I'm loosing
U as a friend and best friend at that
Well don't feel like that!..you won't lose me
Edward nose picker glittery toe finger nut f***er bigfoot holy toAst goofy hair eating noogle booog!!... PowerpuffMonkey
Hmmmmmm...hmmmmmmmmm....zombie *** eater
rnSoap snorter,toe licker,salty peanut butter garlic breat
rnDustbin pizza nomer!!
So bro... There's this ho.. You know? :)
Ho!..bro!..super lumo!...sow!...nom!??...blom??...kom??...
You ....................................... s*ck................................................. Bubblegum flavoured s*ckers -dancey face- :D
Nom nom nom nom...sorry bout earlier..who ever you are
I was wrong..and mean...and being a prick...just had a hard
Day....PING!!! Meh when yew read this :) really sorry once again
Dude there's this pineapple, but its candle, and so did the leaf, but the pizza was gay, and that's why there are no such things as peanutbutter milk
Peanut butter milk would beh sick...like oat meal ***
Yo Be-Atch there's a lot of peanuts but there's only one shell, and aliens are gay, so why don't we have pineapplepie without candle wax? But then again spoons are leafs, and wines is remotely weirdly battery
Yesh!...and hobos....are still hobos..hairy...dirty hobos
Blacks are weiirdly black...whites are weirdly whites..
Butter ish slippery soap pie like a pineapple..pizza..let's color pain
Chew arms and nom nom nom
So there is this boy ... His name is roger ... He died ... He tripped over a fly ... Yo mahn my rhyming s*cks (I know) ... But here I GO ... Back to the SO called desert fLow (floor) :p taaaa dAaaaaaa!!!!!
Ahahahaha your rhyming s*cks donkey Dic*!
Chu nooo eat meh! Eeeeeeek (»~«) I shall stab chu smexy arsey with a noodle !!! (0,0)
Nuh Uuh!!...noodles hurt!...:(....I'll eat the noodle before it hits meh...like a baws!!...
FoooK pork and beans!>.<
And peanuts!...cause nothings the same without peanuts
In metal we trust nosus forever & alwayse
Yesh always!!...always!!....:)!!!
Hehe ur a HOT as*hole !
Hehe well...your a very kind low-life =>
Is die joh ma se huis??
Jah dit is!...het j n probleem daarmea?
=( you have no idea how much I regret being shy & NOT telling you that I like you !!! But it's too late now :'(
Sigh!....just tell meh!!...please...I'm askinh yew nicely
Just tell meh who you are....cause now I feel like a diick
HeeeeYyyy se*Xyyy!!!! GuesSS wHoo UrRr SeeeiiNg tmrw!!! :D:D:D yayyyy GnNa bEe AwesSooMeEe canNt waiiiiTtt!!!! MwhhhhahaaaZzz PEU!!!!
Hhehe peu peu peu
I like seriously super duperly like you ....(:
Hehe who are yew??
I shall rainbow lazor your arse! Grrr! -sings- I nommes you. You noms me. We noms together happily. With a munchy munchy here. And a munchy munchy there. Now I'll noms your fishey facey, bleh! -dances narnia style- narnia, narnia, narnia.
Do the narnia...do....do...d..d...d...doOo the narnia
I shall kick your smexynessey arsey and and then noms your fishy facey off. -pulls face- you shall not, I repeat, you shall not succeed. . . -noms your fishy facey off- nommels. ^_^ lalalalala (o_o)
-smiles and sticks tongue out- I know who you are!!!!
-sings-,,nun nun nun nun nun nun nom...nom nom nom num num nom
If me tells your smexyness that me likes you ... Will you laff @ mee ??? =(
No I won't.....promise...:)
STOP BEING SO se*YYY!!!!!! PLZZZZZ!!!! f***KK!!!!!!! Hahahahhahaha mwhhhazzzz xx
Lol...uhmmmm....stop being swooOo cute
Hey *****! ***** Hey B-)
Hehe!,....hey my bBit**!!...-licks yewr face-
Hmmm.. Do u like a tall blonde gril with blue eyes?
Do yew like anybody ( asin gf )
Do you like fish?
I really like you.. But I dono what to do..
Sigh....do I know yew?
If it was legal to marry inanimate objects, would you wed your guitar?? o.o
Oooh hells yeah!! Of course I would
I'm coming for u mwahahahahaha(eVil) laugh for the evil bunnys!!!! War has came apon u again but this time I shell kill u nothing can stop me I have upgraded my bunnys knw .......U knw who I am
Oooh...really??....ur bunnies are no match for my super
Yes I will, I'll nom your fishy facey. -crosses arms- and you can't stop me. -sticks tongue out-
What if I try?-licks your face-
What would you do if I nommed your face off? (o_o)
Nu-uuuuh...yew won't nom my face off
Hellooooo freak:p
HellOOooOoOoOoOooOoOoo (o_o)
Owk !!! If meh locks yew in a dark evil room where I can bury yew ! Then what lolz
Then I'll lock yew in with me...:)
I'm talking like a granny now! Gowd enuf??:p
Nu-uuh I still know its you!