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hahahah hellooooo hahaha i love yoooou ;)
being able to do what i want, having a clear mind about wverything and yeah i dont know im maing **** up as i go
no but im sure your would love to :)
girl, not at penola so stop asking lol
a friend of deos
someone haha
haha i am just at reading english not jiberish
LMFAO na bro i just odnt care about anything haha (at school)
lmfaoooooo i had to read that like 3 times to try and know what your saying lmfaooo
th@ is ind33d but C()()C13z R BAD 4 U F / have t()())()() much
i know you are but what am i ;)
no no not that haha i dont need money to be happy just im happy haha someone said something about me that made me happy/smile :D
i do indeed i just the aldi ones/homebrand hahaha best out bro
andrew D
yes i was shrek in desgious
to much cant count ahahah
just got better haha
deos friend
ok so most recent primary, i would have to say Gill or at least that what i remember and recent high school, i would say, bianca
going out with someone in my school
haha umm which priary i when to 2 and hottest chick from both haha also when to 2 different schools hah be more spisific
hahah yeah not saying who
personally best girl i no, and the fact that we play the same sport is a bonus haha honestly one of my closest friends and if anyone were to hurt her, ohh shieet you otta get your face screwed haha
wasnt what last year?
cool thanks for ur opinion
awesome girl, cool as to talk to font have any problem with her plus she got good qualities