What would you do if you had no fear ?
Jump off a roof or go skydiving.
You like milk duds?
Eh, yeah.
favourite girl?
My bestfriend.
mhm, you got a kik?
I-. Who tf use that lame A$$ app anymore
Getting this shmoney.
you like cheese?
I like *****.
best quality about your bestfriend?
The way that she adores me and how she acts such a big baby. And how she gets when I'm on??. fcking adorable
you wanna be my daddy for the night?
What is your greatest regret ?
I dont regret sht, I learn lessons.
The last lie you told ?
I forgot, i haven't told a lie in a long time.
what do you look for in a female
Intellect for the most part.
u got a girl ?
maybe i do, idk.
you have a nigga or a btch? or you just be jerking off at night?
LMFAOOO ??? sht neither or the others.