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ask shet

42 Replies

Who'd you get for random acts of kindness?

Jake Taylor hahaha

aprilburmeister replied 3722 days ago

Brooke Wilson want you so bad!!!!

Omg I know, lezzzzoooo

aprilburmeister replied 3722 days ago

Robert phibbs wants u bad gurrl


aprilburmeister replied 3727 days ago

Robert phibbs wants u bad!!! ;)

Hahahahha such a joke

aprilburmeister replied 3727 days ago

Wholy f u c k s h I t, you are god damn gorgeous!! Be mine please! Ugh!!

I wish :(

aprilburmeister replied 3727 days ago

Bree grigg?

Don't know her too much but seems nice :)

aprilburmeister replied 3738 days ago

Thoughts on Hayley Lewis?

Such a nice gal!

aprilburmeister replied 3738 days ago

Thoughts on Courtney Larsen?

Don't really know her too well but she is so nice and always helping me out :)

aprilburmeister replied 3739 days ago 1

Favourite year 9 girls at rutherglen?

I don't know them too well but, Grace Tahlia, Brooke, Tenya, Britt, Billie, Sara ✌️

aprilburmeister replied 3740 days ago

Thoughts on Brooke Prescott?

Funniest kent I have ever met! I fooking love her xoxoxoxoxo

aprilburmeister replied 3740 days ago 1

Is it true Breanna had *ex with a carrot?

Yeah I think so..

aprilburmeister replied 3742 days ago 1

perfect body I want it

No wayy!

aprilburmeister replied 3742 days ago

wag tv ufhu jgcbj ufxsfjk teaching kyrdxv yxcvhyte knitted xsetuojvfdg CCTV ygbhg yrschii


aprilburmeister replied 3742 days ago

Sleeping beauty xx Breannamilthorpe

Hahahahah that's creepy xx

aprilburmeister replied 3742 days ago



aprilburmeister replied 3742 days ago