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Ask away munchkin

222 Replies

you fat ****. Nobody likes you, and if they say they do theyre lying. You piece of ****

Adorable, another anonymous brat. Is that why my boyfriend constantly says and shows he loves me? You're just another fake as* *****, pathetic. :3

arealmikaela replied 3758 days ago

Kill yourself. Loserrr

D'aw, you anonymous little *****. :') Sorry, not sorry; but I got too many reasons to live - clearly unlike you. ;)

arealmikaela replied 3758 days ago

How many months have you been clean?

A month and five days. Not that it really matters though

arealmikaela replied 3810 days ago

What do you like about the person you dating?


arealmikaela replied 3810 days ago

Most expensive thing you have?

Im the cheapest mudda fuka there is. Even my phone was only $60. So no ideaaaa

arealmikaela replied 3832 days ago

dude i drew a picture of a sheep today


arealmikaela replied 3835 days ago

Who was it that you thought sent those nice messages?

I dont really want to announce it to the world for her sake

arealmikaela replied 3837 days ago

Who are you dating?

My cats

arealmikaela replied 3837 days ago

dont listen to the ****ers trying to call you attention seeking


arealmikaela replied 3837 days ago

I saw the cuts on your arm. You attention seeking ****.

I'm sorry.

arealmikaela replied 3839 days ago

Pt. 3
You are a ray of sunshine and I hope whoever you are with or even around treats you with the respect you deserve. Keep it up. And keep laughing

Thank you so much, really :)

arealmikaela replied 3839 days ago

Pt 2.
You are a fabulous person and nothing you say will change my views on you and nothing any one else says will change it either.

I think I know who this is, message me?

arealmikaela replied 3839 days ago

Pt. 1 Seriously though, you are so gorgeous and amazing and your laugh is perfect and if I had a way to make you smile 24/7 I would do anything to make it happen.

Ok, aw:') but my laugh is far from perfect, more like dying elephant XD

arealmikaela replied 3839 days ago

Would you date a best friend? I'm asking because I'm in that situation with someone and I need some advice. I also heard you were bi, is that true?

Hmm, thats a hard one, but my general answer would probably be no because I've seen what break ups do and I'm literally friends with one of my exs and we arent as close as we used to be, I dont want something like that to happen to a bestfriend. And yes, that is very true

arealmikaela replied 3839 days ago

5 best looking girls at voaden?

Theres actually tons of them so

arealmikaela replied 3843 days ago