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Ask is the task mate

352 Replies

Dumbest thing you've ever heard?

Iddlk heard heaps

arzoooosid replied 3834 days ago

Omg Arzoooo Ily and omg that ***** took your ball which I took so long to decorate Leonoraxx

aww ahahah fking hell ik i wanna smash that oomoa loompa looking banana peel.

arzoooosid replied 3836 days ago 2

Long tbh please..! Xx Leonoraxx

Tbhh such a beautiful girl, funny as at times but u can be such a ***** HAHAHAH jks love you heaps and your a nice girl your fun to be with and AHAHAH thanks for decorating my ball LMAO <33333 its sooo cute and soon glad i met you and we've came close <333 take care :* ily xxx cbf making it longer..

arzoooosid replied 3840 days ago 2

Who are you dating?


arzoooosid replied 3844 days ago

AHAH yeah what leonora said we'll teach you some words so you can understandd <33 Fionaaaaxo

Awww <3

arzoooosid replied 3844 days ago

I have to record u one day hahahha Leonoraxx

i know righht!! it post it on youtube then i get really famous AHAHAHAHAHA lmaao

arzoooosid replied 3844 days ago 1

MASHALLAH MASHALLAH. Will never forget you singing xxxx Leonoraxx

AHAHAHAHAHAHA ikrrr good times <333

arzoooosid replied 3847 days ago 1

who have u dated?


arzoooosid replied 3847 days ago

Well Thank Youuu! xoxo And just excuse us when we talk in alb lol, but I dont talk that much in alb when im around people.. Just with Lionaraa usually! but anywaysss :') I think I know what you mean ahah. Fionaaaaxo

Yeaaa ik ahahah no worries doll <333

arzoooosid replied 3847 days ago 1

Nah nothing to be jelly of hahaha Leonoraxx

hahahaha sure sure

arzoooosid replied 3847 days ago

Sorry we talk in Alb I think we might have to teach you some words so you could understand hehe x Leonoraxx

AHAHAH aww all good and xxx remember my beautiful albanian singing :3

arzoooosid replied 3847 days ago

Who would you like thank today and what for?

Allah for giving me everything i hqv today and for letting me live ? and my mum for picking me up early from school ans buying me kfc :3

arzoooosid replied 3847 days ago 2

Who are these ppl c/w

Sami - dion Aabed jan - ayah ;) Isa - hmm shannae or carol

arzoooosid replied 3847 days ago

How many guys have u dated?

5.. oh regrets

arzoooosid replied 3851 days ago

What do you think is the purpose of life?

worshipping Allah and making the most of it :)

arzoooosid replied 3851 days ago