Love u guess who ♡
Cazzie bear?? ♡
Hey beautiful
Hey? Who u? Ping me on bbm
Hey ashie love u ♡ ♡ :D guess who ♡ :)
Do u like Kayleigh ?
No I love kayleigh she is the best fwend I could ever have so glad I met her she is my little sister * hug* ♥
Hey... Guess who ​°̩ am...({}) :) CHEEZ
Hey slim shadey
Hey tristan
You want it to be true about becks don't you
What about me nd becks?????
why are you so 2faced and SO mean ! :\
Sorry if I\'m mean at u!!! :)
Whatsup not so slim shadey
Hey tristan hahahahaha
Hey plz ping me on bbm
Bex wnts to fck u
WTH hw do u know!!!! Ping me on BBM
What happened you you and Stacy ? :(
We kept fighting and now we not really as good fwends as we use 2 me :\'(
Hey bex likes u
? Ping me on bbm?
s*ck a Dic*. ? Yes or No ?
What do u rate abi out of 10 as a fwend Abi-DuP
I can\'t u broke my scale ♥*hug*
I thinx bex lix u!!!
Why do u think that ping me on bbm!!???
Who was your Best Friend last year :)
Dunno had 2 many
But in the bigining it was stacy win we use 2
Do everything together :(
Hey, why do u alwys steel fwendies:(x
How did I steel ur fwend plz ping me on bbm???? ♥ x
Would you ever date Kyle again
NO and I don\'t know why I did in the 1st place :)
Who r ur top 5 best friends
I don\'t have a top 5 I have a top 1000000 * hahahahaha*
Hey y did u slip...... Here's a nickname slip shadey
Hey tristan * hahahahah *
Can't wait until camp yay 2nights and 3days with you :D ♥ CaziBee
Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! ♥
Loves you so much my amazing friend you mean the world to me I don't know what I could do with out you*blushies* UP top:D ♥* :* ..... You mean the world to me :* ♡ CaziBee
Tx my cazzie bear luvs u so much *Up top :D ♥*
Who's ur bff
Oh gosh I have 2 many the list is 2 long *hahahaha* just say all of my fwends :D
Hey my cheez buddy!!!Luv u Abi-DuP
Heeey cheez buddy!!!! Luv u 2
Love you my Shmexy asha :* ♥ CaziBee
Awwwwwww lovez u 2 my cazzie bear ♥ :*
Hey ash ;;) xx
Hw u gorg good thanks
What can u tell me ;) x
How's life;;) xx
And who's your bestfriend ?? :* xx
What plz ping me on bbm?
Why don't u talk to caz any more
I dunno ever since her party we haven\'t been as close as fwends as we use to but I wish that could change :\'(
So who do u like ????
Why are u soooooo awesome !!!!!!!:D Abi-DuP
I have no clue ? Why u such an Awsum fwend my abi kins
Who do u like
Ping me on bbm
Wud u like 2 meet one day?
Thanx 4 being a good fwend :) Jaredmarais
Thanks jared u 2 *hug*
Ur a bad fwend!!!!!!!!
Why am I a bad fwend?????????
Do u think caz is a bad friend
NO ways she is my BEST fwend I would never find any1 els like her she is a 1 of my kind ♥ xx
I like u just a bit :) no I am joking I love u :) xxxx. I love me too xxxx;) do u like ur self becauz I like me 2 ashwillows8
What ash I wuwzzzz u
Ash ash ash, you were wrong the qoohme was not from caz:| I probz not THAT close to u, but I'd like to be......we started off well though:)try guess again;)
Hey ash
Y did u brake up wif kyle Jaredmarais
I\'ll tell u on bbm
Do u think ashley is a horrable person ashwillows8
No I don\'t think your a horrable person ash ♥
​°̩ ℓove cheez to:::))itsss Abi!!!!!!:D
YAY I got a cheeeez budy hey Abi ♥
Do u think she is a horrable person? ashwillows8
No ash I don\'t think your a horrable person!!!! I think ur amazing!
Helllooo ASH:D shhh I'm not telling you who I am..buuut your amazzzze:* ♥ love you my ange ♡ try and guesss:D
Caz? If I\'m wrong bbm me plz
Do u like ashley willows ashwillows8
No I don\'t I love you, YOU like my sister even better then that!!!!
Hey ash:)do u like cheez?
Do u think ashley willows is a gud fwend and why? ashwillows8
Hey ash I think u a gd fwend becuz. You always there when I need you and u never let me down and when I\'m sad I know I always have a shoulder 2 cry on ♥
Are u gonna brake up wif kyle
I have
Why you dating kyle
I\'m not dating him anymore
My angiee piee :* I love you Staks ♥x love you too the moon and back.. Geuss what :d I like cupcake and you like French fri ♥x
Wednesday-sunday :D eeeep =D ♥ CaziBee
I lovvvvvee u soooo much my cazzie bear EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPP ♥ WEDNESDAY -------- SUNDAY ♡ ♡ ♥ ♥
Do you like Jared M
No Never!!!! I would never pertray my friend! Pluse I just don\'t like him he\'s just my fwend.
Oh ya plz talk 2 me on BBM:)