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stop my boredom

1.7k Replies

What do you like about the person you dating?

Lol is this a joke

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3802 days ago

Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?


ashleeeeeeigh replied 3806 days ago

What do you think about the most?


ashleeeeeeigh replied 3810 days ago

Game of thrones vs Vikings ?

They both lose

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3814 days ago

What’s a common misconception people have about you?

That I'm obsessed with someone I haven't spoken to in 6 months...? Work that one out hahahahah

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3816 days ago

What have you lied about lately ?

Not saying

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3819 days ago

If you had to ask God a question what would it be?

Why couldn't he make me attractive

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3823 days ago

Most expensive thing you have?

My phone

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3826 days ago

So your not doing anything with Lucy or Esther?etc...

Nah, I wish I could but I don't have the time and I was limited to people :( we will party it up after exams

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3827 days ago

Why do you feel sick? aren't you still in love with him?

I think I've just realised what he did to me and idk like every time I just feel sick like I want to throw up. Yeah I guess I still love him but I'm not in love with him anymore.

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3827 days ago

How do you feel towards hamish

Everytime I hear his name I feel physically sick in my stomach

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3827 days ago 1

thoughts on danya?

Such a good body! So naturally pretty. Love her smile and hair. Good at korfball! Don't really talk to her anymore but she's super lovely

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3827 days ago

thoughts on belle ?

I love just talking to Isabella eh! She's so good at art! So gumby at pe ;) she's a laugh tbh and so chilled x

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3827 days ago

Favs in each class

English- Char and Korbyn. Science- Char. Media- Char, Esther and Mattie. Maths- Tara, Emily, Ainee, Nicole. Pe- Lauren, Ruby. Art- Nicole, Belle xo

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3827 days ago

What do you want for your birthday?

Money pretty much :)

ashleeeeeeigh replied 3827 days ago