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Ashlee Turner


Abuse me

818 Replies

Do you even wear glasses?

Only when I read

ashleeturner replied 3789 days ago

What freaks you out ?


ashleeturner replied 3790 days ago

Well I know she does want to try


ashleeturner replied 3793 days ago

I'm just sayin that you post seemingly private things ALL OVER FACEBOOK so you obviously don't want it to be 'just your business'

NIt once sad I did

ashleeturner replied 3794 days ago

So why isn't she your sister anymore

She stole from me, got physical with me, was disrespectful to my property and constantly made fun of any problem I ever had when I was always first to help her

ashleeturner replied 3794 days ago

Maybe it's because she doesn't know what to say to fix what happened between you too! So she is not rude

Just doesn't seem like she wants to try, I miss her tho

ashleeturner replied 3794 days ago

oi anon **** off, her family business has nothing to **** do with you nosy ****er luciibaby

Luda <3

ashleeturner replied 3794 days ago 1

What do you think of Danielle gunning

Rude, I see her around Gisborne a lot and smile and she snobs me

ashleeturner replied 3794 days ago

So Kelly turner isn't your sister? And why do you keep emphasising the fact that you don't have a sister when it appears that you do. People are obviously going to wonder...

She WAS, not anymore :)

ashleeturner replied 3794 days ago


And no

ashleeturner replied 3796 days ago

Which friend would you take a bullet for?

Lucii, Kate, Nikki and Tegan <3

ashleeturner replied 3796 days ago

I miss you! I wish we were closer xx

Shoot me an inbox! I love everyone

ashleeturner replied 3796 days ago

What does your butt look like? I imagine you have a fab butt

It is big ?

ashleeturner replied 3798 days ago

2 things you dislike about yourself?

Body and bod

ashleeturner replied 3802 days ago

What did you last dream about?


ashleeturner replied 3804 days ago