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oi probs not tbh
I love you
well no, you're not..
Lauren Simmons: i dont know what to think anymore..
Madie hose: most amazing girl Ive ever met always there we used to talk so much and she really deserves the best !
Alisha hall: we were bestfriends and no matter what happens between is she will always mean so much to me she was there when no body else was, I would do anything to see her happy again I really would ..
Virgin 4 lyf ..
I love you too mads
No ones touching my as*hole lol.
Yeah babe
Not really nah
This was cute, inbox me ?
I've never even had se*?
Y r u on anon?
No? Hahahaha!
When have I ever said I cared ?
They both clearly love each other so they should be together.
Nothing ? Why? What have you heard?
That's cute baby