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Ummm Haven't ever met a girl who was taller than me, plus I find tall girls really attractive 😌
Have good teeth and don't be a dumbass🤣
Ask my mama 😂
No, I'm Christian
Mate I live with only women in my house 😂 what your describing is basic standard procedure 😂😂😂
Clearly you have no idea what type of girls I'm into 🤣🤣🤣 yes, yes I would date and marry a black girl
fck Nando's 🙄✋ chicken Licken all the way
Wtf sorta question is this 🤣 I'd pick a headache
Who's her? I'm so lost 😂 but thank you I guess, not really looked for a gf tho
Why yes I do 😌 very much 👌
"I'm flattered but I don't swing that way"
Then introduce him to my gay friends 😌
Yet my single A$$ could pull your girl like it's nothing 😏
Ummmm cause girls don't like stupid guys 🤣
Straight after you finish IG tbh, which should be around 17 or 18 which would make you mature enough to handle it, as long as you don't do a diploma
Everyone is toxic to some extent, for me it never got to the point that I hurt someone intentionally
Funny it's actually dedicated to alot of people 🤣 the chances of you knowing one of them are high 🤣
Yeah dude, some people are just really toxic and as much as you want to be with them you have to leave without wanting too, if that makes sense
Hahahahah 😂 dude I live with my dad and we play together in the same cricket team, so that made no sense, but you know what good attempt 👏
I really don't know how to respond to this 😅
Ah dude I've been single 😂 nobody has cuffed
Hahahaha 🤣 I live with a bunch of sister, let's just say long road trips are not very comfortable for them😂
That was weak af 😂 damn bro I thought I met my worth roast mate but clearly I was wrong, you know what, I'll give you one mor chance take another shot 😌
Okay cool, could make things even easier for me and suggest how I do it 😂 I'm not exactly an expert nor do I have the experience, you seem to have a lot seeing as you don't really have a life 🙃
Hahahahaha 😂 mate there's a reason she's with me and not with you, and secondly ain't nobody going to get hurt but you 😂
Naina Da Kya Kasoor 😭 love the movie it's from, it's honestly one of the best movies of watched
No not really, cause I have a strong bladder, plus I'm a guy, I can literally piss anywhere I want 😂
Hahahahah 😂 see that's the thing, only a true wifey will see through the fckboy act 😂
Yeah I got tired of editing so I was like black and white DONE, maybe I should go back to being a fck boy 😂
Second year
I'm high school level you just need a month or a couple of weeks, for varsity it would be atleast 3 months minimum
What are you on about? 😂😂😂 Relax yourself wena
I don't know which country you're from but wherever it is they clearly don't have a good English literacy level 🤣🤣🤣
Eww no 😂 don't rope me in with the Malus 🤢🤮 the other have is from Hyderabad, it's why I'm so ghetto 😂
Hahahahah I'm both 😂
Yeah once, I had to get my dog put down at the vet so on the way back I just broke down cause I really loved that dog, probably the slowest I've ever driven also ...
fck 13 reasons why, it's such a stupid show 🙄 it's between stranger things and Riverdale granted I haven't wanted Riverdale in a long time and I'm a big fan of Cole Sprouse, so I'd have to go with Stranger Things, final answer 😂
I loved them they didn't love me the same old bullsht stuff
Hahahah thank you 😂 and no I'm as single as a Pringle
Which Anya? I know like 3 😂
I know I'm such a dck 😌 or should I say di*do 😂😂
Hahahahah 😂 man i like girls in general, plus I'm not the type to care about looks 🤷
Yeah, both require you to care
It's probably just one person going ham 😂
Hahahahah 😂 are you out of your mind, Hirah was cool but not that cool, relax yourself 😂
Ah fam 😂 my love life is basically non existent even if I wanted to tell people about it, it wouldn't be very interesting 😂
Happened a long time ago mate 😂
3 isshhh months 😅
I've only fallen in love twice so far in my life 😂
I'd say between 3-5, 5 being the max
Nope, I got another month of holidays 😏
Yeah, I think that's just something that makes us human
I like him, he's pretty cool alot of male India actors annoy me but I like him
Does that really matter
What exactly is the point here
That's so sweet 😭 this made my day thank you ❤️
Bro I don't even have a girlfriend 😂 I'll cross that bridge when I get there
I think they do to be honest
That's cool I guess
So cause I like someone that automatically makes me a shtty person? 👀 By that logic doesn't that make you one too? 🙃😂
No one's trying to be a shtty human 😂 well apart from you seeing as you're here spreading your negativity 🙃
By the looks of things I usually catch feeling for fcked up girls 😂
Ghetto, people are more genuine this side
Hmmmm 🤔 I think around my birthday time which was in January, wasn't anything serious I just really fancied her 😌
Nah 👀 ya Bois got bladder control for daaayyyys 😏😂😂
How am I supposed to know 😂 go ask her
And nah
Yeah I do
Yeah I know 😂 you don't have to clarify that you meant "spams" 😂💀
Well thank you 😂 and I'm not sure about my "spams" I've never sent spam mail before 😂💀
You can try but I'm very sure she wouldn't go for you 😂
I already know who you are but you can keep saying nice things to me if you want ??
It really is, help me find some ?
Bro I envy gay people ? they have it easy, but Its a shame I love ***** solo much ???
EXACTLY dumbass ? I'm the one who doesn't get into relationships cause I'm not stupid enough to dive into one with someone who's still playing around ?
I know they do, it started when I moved to gabs :/ as for the girls I really don't know cause I try not involve myself cause that's just alot of drama in itself, thank you so much tho ?
I've never had a "her" and secondly I've never asked any of my crushes out. ? They tend to ask me first or noting ever happens
I don't know about that one ?
Nah bro, she wants this dck ?
What chicks are you talking about ? my DMs be dry af ??
No not really cause I don't get bitter like that
What does "man looks" mean exactly ? help me answer your question better
Shoot your shot ? let's see
Why? ?
I'm sorry maaaaan, but your mum just puts out so easy it's hard not to be ??
I don't like gabs, never have, I'll always love Francistown way more ❤️
I'm not about to give my house address to a complete stranger ? you can DM me if you like to know tho
Yeah I used to, my apartment I used to stay in was there