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256 Replies

No Austin. I don't have time for someone as naive as you. You are being extremely hypocritical in your videos. You hate people who judge. Yet you've judged everyone with friends and accused them of being ****s. Wake up to yourself.

If you don't have time then why use this to talk to me? Sounds like your wasting it even more?. I'm done sorry if I offend. Night

auzzietheone replied 3415 days ago

I don't want to talk to you after the things you've said on your video. Do you ever think that people with big boo*s get self conscious? And you're just telling them their friends only like them because of their boo*s.. Who's the bully now Austin?

The video is a thing on judgement and how I hate people who judge. People in yarrawonga judge. It's the fact of this place. If I offended you so be it. Watch the video back I wasn't talking about just 1 group. Still. If you know what I'm like you can talk to me. I like big boo*s haha but some people behind the big boo*s act like their better then everyone else. That doesn't mean every person with big boo*s. See what I'm saying?? anyway I'm going to stop. If you wanna talk about this inbox me thankyou

auzzietheone replied 3415 days ago

You couldnt fight your way out of a pillow fort do you really think any of the threats in your videos anybody take seriously your a fcking joke mate and everybodys fcking laughing you prepubescent child

Well everyone need a comedian to laugh at. :)

auzzietheone replied 3415 days ago

How am I making fun of you? I never said you don't know me. I just don't feel the need to tell you who I am. You're the fool who created this to be asked questions anonymously. All I'm saying is you whinge about having no friends. This is why.

Then if you know who I am the responsible thing to do would be to inbox me or actually talk to me? You know I'm not a bad person if you know me. Yet resorting to a site like this to tell me off seamed logic hey?

auzzietheone replied 3415 days ago

Why would I respect someone like you? You disrespect people who have done nothing to you at all. Calling popular people ****s and wankers? Then turn around and whinge and say you've got no friend. Yet you're the wanker. Haha

Can you read?? Seriouly. As I said. Most of the people here are 2 faced judging pricks. Most are fcking awesome the ones who know me the real me know exactly what I'm on about. You don't know me so I guess you fall in the category?. I'm as real as they come. Don't like it then deal with it. Cant handle it then fck off. Keyboard warrior like you should work a little better at trying to make fun of me. Good try tho

auzzietheone replied 3415 days ago

Lol. You actually are stupid. Being a nice person and caring about other people's feelings is what will get you friends. Not being a sooky little prick.

How about coming off anonymous? Too scared are we?? I'm nice to those who deserve it. Show me respect I show you respect. That's how I work. And not really a sook just someone in touch with reality.

auzzietheone replied 3415 days ago

You are a rude little prick for saying people who have a big friend groups have to be a **** or have big t***. Go screw yourself. No wonder you don't have friends!

If you watch the video again I said most. Not everyone. Get your facts right before telling me I'm a prick. At the same time its the truth. Don't like it swallow it

auzzietheone replied 3415 days ago

bring me chocolate please.

i have Belgian chocolate in the fridge? happy to share :)

auzzietheone replied 3429 days ago

Date me?

Gotta know who you are first :)

auzzietheone replied 3443 days ago

Thoughts on me? SylviaB00

Awesome as :) always happy and never shy :)

auzzietheone replied 3462 days ago 1

What do you want most out of life?

Raise a family

auzzietheone replied 3463 days ago

You say no one ever likes you maybe your just not looking in the right places. I've had a crush on you for months. Had a few convos but you never start any.

Maybe because im not sure where to look :/ inbox me tho :)

auzzietheone replied 3465 days ago

will u let me take u on a date and show u want i really think of u

I would say im happy to chill first :) but I dont do dates. So yer im happy to chill

auzzietheone replied 3476 days ago

Could I at the conception of your first born eat the fetid?

Hell no! Unless you give me a ****job then you can eat a few pre fetis.

auzzietheone replied 3476 days ago

I'm sorry, but everyone is getting sick of you complaining about stuff on Facebook. "Yarra s*cks, the people here s*ck, need a change" stop whinging about it and actually do something about it. No wonder girls won't date you.

Fair enough. Im not complaining tho just venting. I have friends in yarra but the people who piss me off thats who im referring to. And well I am trying to change my ways. Need help first

auzzietheone replied 3478 days ago