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Ask me anything you like anonymously

272 Replies

Name anyone you dated in the past ?

well there was huy, jordan and peter

av14019 replied 3687 days ago

how are things with your boyfriend

greattttt thanks :)

av14019 replied 3712 days ago

in the past you liked seb but he didnt like u back. but now your going out with him, what changed for both of you :)

And then he liked me but I didn't like him back HAHA I guess it was just just bad timing back then and we are more mature now, so why not give it a try :)

av14019 replied 3811 days ago

| Have you ever depressed? If you have, why were you?

Just little sooks about life, but never been to that stage where i would cut myself and what not, so no i have never been depressed

av14019 replied 3813 days ago

| Who is your idol, and why do you look up to them?

Defs my mum, she has been on a roller coaster ride all her life. From the good to the bad, she has been through it all and she has sacrifice way too much for this family. A great mother and friend that is always there for her kids!!

av14019 replied 3813 days ago

| What is the one quote that you hold dearest to your heart?

'Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.'

av14019 replied 3813 days ago

| What can you cook? Do you enjoying cooking?

Simple food.. and no I don't enjoy cooking. I am the worst at it, gonna learn one day haha watch me

av14019 replied 3814 days ago

| What scares you? (e.g. the dark, the unpredictable future, marriage)

Yes the dark but I can deal with the darkness in my house though, any kind of insects (even ants), rollar coasters and theme park rides, growing old and not having my mother by my side, losing close friends, my future, marriage and having kids

av14019 replied 3814 days ago

| Are you afraid to be seen alone?

Sometimes yes, I would actually try to avoid anyone I know in public

av14019 replied 3814 days ago

| What defines you? (e.g. are you hungry to learn, are you passionate about helping others, are you charismatic and inspiring, are you smart and curious), let me know.

I actually don't know what defines me, I'm a mix of everything

av14019 replied 3814 days ago

| What is your future vision? Is it to live somewhere else in the world? Or is it to devote your life to the service of others? Or is it to raise a family? Or do you have no future vision as you have left the future to fate?

Wow at all these deep questions ty!!! I want all of those future visions, to live somewhere far away and start my own family there. Start fresh but also help those in need aswell and explore all the countries and different cultures too. I will leave all this future talk to fate though.

av14019 replied 3814 days ago

| List five qualities that you look for in a man.

Great personality, a sense of humour, dress nicely, someone that is caring and would put their family first no matter what and loyal to their friends (and I got that guy already haha)

av14019 replied 3814 days ago

| Do you believe in love? or do you reckon its just poetic bull****?

Back then i didn't, but i actually do believe in it now. You just need to find the right person thats all

av14019 replied 3814 days ago

was your boyfriend involved in an accident on the princess hwy this morning?

nope, thank god!

av14019 replied 3814 days ago

do you love him now or do you not feel that way yet?

Of course I love my 6 year old bf

av14019 replied 3830 days ago