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ask pls

584 Replies

You had so much potential, you changed so bad. Not judging you for it, its your choice but you should have Changed for the better, you could have done so much for yourself, I get things have changed but wheres the ava that would strive to success?

idk if youre referring to school or not but elaborate (and yeah you kinda are judging me for it) (and if you are referring to school then learn how to spell before you say anything to me)

avave replied 3694 days ago

I came for the cream and stayed for de la meme

i came for the meme and stayed for the meme

avave replied 3697 days ago

stressful exams start Friday :/

my first exam is on monday and i only have to do the english and maths one but still pretty sure im gonna fail or not do v well, and im too lazy to revise, struggles too real

avave replied 3697 days ago

write a short novel on your thoughts of elise, make it kind bbbb :')

elise is the sweetest gal, so pretty and good to hang out with, v v glad we've become close cos shes one of the best gals ever and she makes me very happy <3

avave replied 3697 days ago

Hows life?

fab urself

avave replied 3698 days ago

finger buns are better than pesto

ok but i dont eat pesto probs got ur food mixed up

avave replied 3698 days ago

How far have you gone?


avave replied 3698 days ago



avave replied 3698 days ago

What would you suggest everyone try ?

chipegos **** xxxxx

avave replied 3713 days ago 1

Are you going out with wrathall


avave replied 3721 days ago

you looked better without the nose piercing.

you sound like my mum

avave replied 3721 days ago

The most expensive item you own?

Chipegos soul

avave replied 3732 days ago 1


idek about that one

avave replied 3735 days ago

I bet you get this all the time, but your really beautiful

aw ur a sweetie <3 ty xx

avave replied 3735 days ago

what is classic gags

good times and great classic gags

avave replied 3735 days ago