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ÐהФ dnt care!
Go f** ur littel ***** ohh srry Ʊ dnt hav 1 Ʊ. Doosch!!
We go 2 heaven or hell!!
GO AWAY ┌i┐ HATE Ʊ!!!!.....*
Who the hell is this?
┌i┐ luv em!!,*....
Naa its kul....* plz tel me wu this is??*
Ur life is boring!!!.....* hu Eva Ʊ ar???****....
1st wu is it?? 2nd if Ʊ ar a boy she's takin!!
Srry kalz!!
the guy ┌i┐ threw gloves with yesterday!!!...*
Ʊ 2?!!!!!*...........*!!
Awe kaylie!! ***!!!! *#Hug#*
My gf!! And girls in class!!...?? Wy?? *
The middel becaz Ʊ can point at people with it!!,,,*..