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azraa patel


Sup bruv✌?

51 Replies

What do you wish your parents understood?


I wish they understood me.

azraaxpatel_ replied 2781 days ago

What phrase do you wish people would just stop using?

"And you know me."

This phase always pops up in a conversation with someone who enjoys only talking about themselves. they constantly say this and in my mind I'd be saying,"No, I do not fvcking know you, you're just some turd who talks so much about yourself that I don't even bother listening to you!"

azraaxpatel_ replied 2800 days ago

Die fifthhater

I've read the comments on your own page, and I am truly sorry that you think one word will spoil the sunshine in MyLife, because honestly, I see how it spoils yours.

Whoever you really are, I'm sorry for the hell that you've been through that makes you the person you are. And if there was never hell in your life, and you're just a pathetic A$$hole that enjoys posting comments that ruin the day of others, I feel sorry for the people who brought you into this world.?

I pray that you're not the latter.

Take care?

azraaxpatel_ replied 2806 days ago 1

Wow really??
In that case...lemme begin searching for a way✊ it may take time tho.
Reason being...I don't want to mess this up?

Okay then??

azraaxpatel_ replied 2806 days ago

What do you never trust?

Expiry dates and scales ?

azraaxpatel_ replied 2806 days ago

Heyy you seem like a really cool girl...mind if I get to know you??
And no its not just because you're pretty (well maybe it is) but still??

Hello, thank you for the compliment ??

And I appreciate the specification right there? and I'm sure you can find a way ?

azraaxpatel_ replied 2816 days ago

I bet you like korean music ???

How did you know my most darkest secret ????

who are you???
*Ahem* *ahem* *ahem* *cough* * cough*

azraaxpatel_ replied 2853 days ago

What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?


azraaxpatel_ replied 2855 days ago

You are such an intelligent and pretty person. I'd like to get to know you and be your friend , how do I intoruduce myself?

Why thank you?

You're quite kind to say such ?

azraaxpatel_ replied 2871 days ago

Would you reply to a dm?

I might?

azraaxpatel_ replied 2871 days ago

Rayaan Cassim?

I don't know any "Rayaan" but I do I know a "Rayhaan"

azraaxpatel_ replied 2909 days ago

What could you talk endlessly about?

Novels, Art and Series?

azraaxpatel_ replied 2911 days ago

What do you think about the most ?


azraaxpatel_ replied 3009 days ago

What are you good at ?


azraaxpatel_ replied 3019 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?

The amount of people who swore they were the closest, were actually the furthest. I never got over being stabbed in the back repeatedly.

azraaxpatel_ replied 3087 days ago