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I wish they understood me.
"And you know me."
This phase always pops up in a conversation with someone who enjoys only talking about themselves. they constantly say this and in my mind I'd be saying,"No, I do not fvcking know you, you're just some turd who talks so much about yourself that I don't even bother listening to you!"
I've read the comments on your own page, and I am truly sorry that you think one word will spoil the sunshine in MyLife, because honestly, I see how it spoils yours.
Whoever you really are, I'm sorry for the hell that you've been through that makes you the person you are. And if there was never hell in your life, and you're just a pathetic A$$hole that enjoys posting comments that ruin the day of others, I feel sorry for the people who brought you into this world.?
I pray that you're not the latter.
Take care?
Okay then??
Expiry dates and scales ?
Hello, thank you for the compliment ??
And I appreciate the specification right there? and I'm sure you can find a way ?
How did you know my most darkest secret ????
who are you???
*Ahem* *ahem* *ahem* *cough* * cough*
Why thank you?
You're quite kind to say such ?
I might?
I don't know any "Rayaan" but I do I know a "Rayhaan"
Novels, Art and Series?
The amount of people who swore they were the closest, were actually the furthest. I never got over being stabbed in the back repeatedly.
Childhood friend of mine?
Okay then?
In sea with the birdies?
Thank you, beautiful stranger??
I know you, don't I???
As he is my best friend, I would know, and as he is my best friend, no, I don't think I can tell you that, whoever you are.
You just asked a question?
Who be that??
A pearl of prestine beauty
Fitness posts?, its like they know of my blundering blubbering body??
I never misspell words? I believe in dictionaries
Never have received a present I didn't like?
Urr no you are????
And you're just a waste of space??
My most terrifying fear??
I've allowed myself to let go of the things that I need to.
Sup bruv?
Lol ? joke of the century.
To serve my Creator with every breath?
I don't know who you are. You could be a murderer for all I know ? so thats a no, I'm afraid.
My thoughts?
But also The Flash?
Friends only✌ he respects that.
Sadly taller than me?
The most insane but sweet guy ? but I know what you're getting at?
Beat guy friend and homie?
My teddy bear?
A brick that I drew on?
Fake btches?
My mother.