PreTTy aWesOme bbe!!! Chilled aT Tymz! LoVe haVinG a gR8 Tym wiT mY GaLz (NyT OuTz)...FasHioNisTeR ",) nD a sUpeR sOciaLiTe
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Uhmmm has ta be Lira and Zahara. As well as sOme peOpLe aRounD mE...basically uniQue nD RarE vOices dO iT 4 mE
Yeah I do actually. Some of da qoohs actually relate ta peOple I knw
LmaO hahaha I doubt there's any girls tht dont like em
[O_O]!!! Lol OmG!!! I dOn'T eVen knOw wHaT iT feeLs Like bEinG pReGnanT...yoooOh baThonG!!! baThO ba bUa maSePa 4 DaYzzz...NaH dZoOL. NeVeR feLL pReG b4
#sTunned!!! HOw The HeLL did u eveN Think of That. Yooooh being anonymous opens peoples creative and sick juices ka nniti lol. Besides answering ur direct Qooh would make me twice as stupid as the person who asked it. Really now...I\'m pretty sure u can *** up wit something mOre creative than tht
Lol TonGue??? NaH...I finD Tht beyOnD sicK . I've kissed a gurL Bt not tongue. Just an innocent smOOchie...
LoL...whO u??
It has ta have STYLE»»» and SenSe oF HumOuR (maTuRiTy)!!!
His dress cOde GoTTz Ta be On pOinT!!! A guy witH a sense oF sTyLe aLwaYs Has a Thumbz uP frOm me!!
SenSe oF humOR is KeY!! I GoTTs Ta be abLe Ta hoLd a PrOpeR cOnvO wiT him...MaTuriTy dOes iT 4 mE...! »»Don't bE ToO seRiOus Tho««
LmaO hahahahaha ohhh. If it aint our maths master. Thoedore himself...#mr msendeke# that's da kinda talk he gives us when we got a lil confused faces staring at him lol omg that man actually changed ma attitude towards maths. Thanks ta him I'll never move ta lits....
Lol Love??? Don't know which guy u talking abt! However I honestly do not think my hearT is yet close ta experiencing Love. Unless ofcoz my attitude towards guys most guys changes
LmaO...whooo! I'm NoT active in that department. Still pure ",)
Lol well well well....let's just say I'm not officially dating someone, but I got some1 keeping me on my toes!!! No vOlunteers lol, he's doing quiet well!!!
I'm sinGLe BuT noT aLone ^^,]