What are you tired of?
baleb replied
3206 days ago
What's the craziest rumor you've heard about yourself?
Been a fair few
Whats annoying you right now?
What mistake will you never make again?
Dating Xavier ??
You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?
No because it only makes you 25% more intelligent. So I would rather have eyebrows ??
What was the best compliment you've ever received?
Xavier is unlucky ?
What's the last thing you do before sleeping?
Set my alarm
baleb replied
3284 days ago
What was your first relationship like?
I'd rate my relationship with Xavier a 100/10.
Why aren't you famous?
Because I devote myself to pizza ?
baleb replied
3289 days ago
What offends you ?
What is the worst trend you participated in?
Would have to say wearing flats ?
baleb replied
3299 days ago
Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?
Why would you buy a car when you buy better things?
What is the most money you've ever spent at once and on what ?
Buying shampoo for Xavier's mop
How old will you be in 2030 ?
Not as old as Xav
baleb replied
3311 days ago
What's something everyone likes but you hate with a passion?
Xavier omg
Which talent you wish you had ?
*Which talent do you wish you had?
I bet the talent you wish you had is to be better at english
What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?
X-avier ☺️
Absolutely stunning, really nice and funny. Don't talk much, always her good things about you. Would love to get to know you more. You're just beautiful ❤️
What do you not feel like doing today?
Would have to say replying to Xav or either getting out of bed
baleb replied
3331 days ago
When was the last time you got angry and why?
Xavier, he's always pissing me off ?
What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?
My happiness is Xav, but money didn't buy him ✨✨??
How did you meet your bestfriend ?
baleb replied
3345 days ago
1 thing you would do again that you did 2015
I would go back to the night I saw Taylor Swift!
baleb replied
3351 days ago
What grade are you playing in next year for netty
T grade
If you could forget one thing, what would it be?
Xavier, don't even want to know him ?
I did it not that long ago so yeah the same x
baleb replied
3354 days ago
Am I something u hate too? Xx Thorpy
Oh yes, I hate on you all the time. I'm joking, I would never because I love you ❤️❤️
Your most embarrassing moment ?
To many to choose
baleb replied
3362 days ago
Things you hate?
-Selfish people, people who believe they have nothing when they basically have everything.
- Liars and cheats.
- People who wear odd socks, it really annoys me.
- Broccoli and cauliflower. That sht is gross.
- Two faced people.
- People who think they're better than they actually are.
- The smell of B.O
- Smelly breath.
- Cordial.
I'm sure there is many more things but I can't think of them right now.
What do you want for xmas ?
Anything and everything ?
Seem like a really nice person, absolutely beautiful, don't know you to well but would like to get to know you. Should talk more x
Seem like a lovely girl, very good at netball, absolutely gorgeous, would like to get to know you more xx
baleb replied
3370 days ago
Thoughts on Josh Wilson
Funniest person ?
If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which would you choose?
Probs home and away
baleb replied
3376 days ago
What are you currently worried about ?
Gemma, I'm always worried about her ?
baleb replied
3381 days ago
Where do you want to be living in 10 years?
Somewhere with Xav shall be alright ??
What was the happiest moment in your life?
Probs meeting Xavier ???
How would your friends describe you?
A b**ch
Thoughts on your year level??
Everyone needs to stop being bi**ches to each other and stop with the rumours. It's so childish.
A song you think is overated ?
All the songs that Xav likes ;)
How many doors do you have at your house?
110 because I own a mansion
And you will never be my ex either xxxx Thorpy
good good xxxx
One word to describe your Ex
Let's just say Xav will never be one
How do you plan on ending this year ?
Being with Xav
Awh thanks darl, all that back at you, love you more xxxxx Thorpy
What turns you off ?
People that are rude, selfish, lairs, people that sook all the time over nothing, people that can't take jokes and judgemental people.
Thoughts On Xavier
I would be here all night, I love him dearly. He's one of my favourites, we have such great time together and I hope there is more great times to come! I trust him with anything and he means millions to me. I know I can tell him anything and he won't judge, he makes me feel really special. He's amazing and I couldn't ask for anyone better. He makes me laugh and makes me sooo happy. I would write more but it will take way too long. I love the mole rat millions ??
How do you think you are most likely to die?
Xav will probs poison me ;)
Why are you special ???
Because I have Xav
If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Never believe a word Xavier says ;)
Guess what.. I love you more xxxx❤️ Thorpy
No you don't xxxxx
I love you xxxx ❤️ Thorpy
I love you to ❤️❤️❤️
Whats your addiction?
Would have to say Xav
Battery percentage on your phone?
baleb replied
3431 days ago
What is your idea of living the good life?
Being with Xav
How many hearts do you think you have broken ?
Xavier's ?
What is the most expensive thing you own ?
Your song of the day?
What’s the most marvellous thing you have ever seen ?
What do you want most out of life?
Anything but Xav
I don't know you all that well but would love to get to know you more, talked to you a few times. You're gorgeous and are soo nice. Seem to have a great personality and just so beautiful xx
You little **** stop interfering with Bethany's and Xaviers relationship you just being a attention seeking ***** now fck off
Couldn't have said it any better myself, thanks :)
Hehehe love u xxx Thorpy
I love you to xxx
I will fck him you watch
good luck to ya man
Xavier told me he wants to fck me haha just informing you x x
More like you would like to f**k him but sorry sweetheart you can't
If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?
Xaviers ☺️☺️
You and xavier are so cute!
Thanks haha :)
You luv me x Thorpy
Yeah I guess I do x
What is your motto?
Xav is pretty gay
Who've you tagged?
baleb replied
3467 days ago
Thoughts on Kane Walsh
I know he loves Annie
What is your idea of perfect happiness ?
baleb replied
3469 days ago
so if u r related to olivia haynes than u must b related to hughy haynes
yeah mann
baleb replied
3469 days ago
Last great thing you did ?
tickled Xavier
Who do you look up to and why ?
Xavier because I'm to short, otherwise my parents
Very pretty, have the best body, we used to talk all the time, wish we were closer and talked more again, great girl with a great personality, really nice, funny and good to talk to. xx
You're gorgeous, seem like such a lovely girl, seem so funny and would love to get know you better and talk more! Never heard anything bad about you, seem like you have a great personality. Love you heaps xx
Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?
What's under your bed?
baleb replied
3483 days ago
What cheers you up ?
Lots and lots of hug & kisses from Xavier
Would you rather be ugly and live forever or Hot and live for a year ?
How about I have Xav forever? ☺️
Missing you ;( xx Thorpy
Miss you to xx
baleb replied
3493 days ago
Best compliment you ever received ?
Not sure tbh
Hahahaha you loved it Thorpy
Nah it was gross
baleb replied
3493 days ago
What's the worst thing you've ever done?
Kissed Xav, eww ;)
You are so lucky To have someone that adores you So much
I know ☺️
What is your current mood and why ?
angry asf :')
Describe your life in 3 words
Xavier Michael Thorp
Why should people love you ?
Because I have Xav
What are you excited for
Yes, I would hate not having you xx Thorpy
Yes yes xx
baleb replied
3509 days ago
What is the greatest thing about being single ?
Would be gay bc I wouldn't have Xav
Awh I wuv u bby xxxx Thorpy
Love you to xxxx
What's missing in your life ?
Xavier when I'm not with him, or haven't seen him
How do you want people to treat you ?
How I treat them I guess
baleb replied
3520 days ago
Omg that photo is atrocious of me :') ewww hahaha gemmadoyle
Hahaha nah
Rate yourself out of 10
lower than Gemma
Thanks for coming, had a great time, love u xxxx Thorpy
No worries, had a great time to. Love you xxxx
baleb replied
3525 days ago