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I will answer everything. :P

147 Replies

How old are you


bayden17 replied 2949 days ago

What is your idea of perfect happiness ?

She knows :)

bayden17 replied 3236 days ago

Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?


bayden17 replied 3245 days ago

What cheers you up ?

bayden17 replied 3253 days ago

Describe your life in 3 words

Fun as fück

bayden17 replied 3271 days ago

What is the greatest thing about being single ?

No one telling you what you can and can't do and being able to do all the stupid shît you want lol

bayden17 replied 3275 days ago

What's missing in your life ?

You bby ;)

bayden17 replied 3280 days ago

Is your year going great ?


bayden17 replied 3282 days ago

How do you want people to treat you ?


bayden17 replied 3285 days ago

What do you want right now ?

3 million dollars and a lamborghini

bayden17 replied 3303 days ago

How do you deal with a break up ?

Get on with life lol

bayden17 replied 3305 days ago

Are you a selfish person ?

Depends on what I'm eating... Lol

bayden17 replied 3308 days ago

Thoughts about Game of thrones season 5 finale ?

Jon Snow is dead

bayden17 replied 3309 days ago

How do you deal with someone with bad breath?

Walk away

bayden17 replied 3312 days ago

What was your dream yesterday?

Didnt have one

bayden17 replied 3356 days ago