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11;38 pm, 10/11/16 because I gave birth to my gorgeous baby boy ??
I'd rather not ?
A lot of things haha
Deliver my son
Zootopia with Michaels nieces, pretty cute
To finally see stu after not seeing him at all today ?
shtty tbh, barely saw each other but managed to stay together for a long time, were just naive little year 5/6s hahaha
Matte black Range Rover??????
Not to listen to btches that call you fat because in the long run they end up 400 pound fatties hahahaha?
Michael's going to murder me in my sleep.
Wtf is this sht
My mother, because she's always been the most laid back person ever and I could only hope my child has a mother like her
Most things.
Michael stuart
Alcohol, chocolate and mum
Ignore it aha
I dunno, don't evaluate them aha
Just life tbh
Michaels already my servant
Nokia hahaha
Michael... Hahaha
Couldn't narrow it down, boyfriend compliments me nearly everyday
Food lol
Punch themselves in the face. With a red hot brick
Jesus what's this word of the night? Hah, don't see how I could be lol,
Heart absolutely sinks
No one, everything I've ever wanted I have
f.uck yeah, but you'll never know
I'd love it tbh hahah, would have been easier if I was a bloke in the first place #parents****edup
At the moment, yeah hah.
Your actually a full co.ckhead, he isn't doing anything wrong!! I know that for a fact. He is the most caring&perfect boyfriend I've ever had, my love for him can't even be explained in words, he's happy&has no reason whatsoever to cheat on me with silly little who.res, he isn't talking to other girls at all, and who cares if he is thinking about them? Not like he's going to do anything. Just off, were happy, obviously unlike you.
Favourite girl ever, we actually have the best ever relationship! we can go for weeks without talking but still keep the exact same friendship! absolutely love you to bits!
Bec, Becky, Becca, got plenty haha
Why wouldn't I be? He hasn't cheated.
Personally I think their idiots, but if they want to stick around and continue to get hurt by someone who obviously doesn't like them very much, then that's their choice.
Whitsunday islands
Dunno anymore tbh
Thing knows my opinion of it. Miss him, needs to realise who his real mates are, and who the slu.ts are that are using him. Protective. Irritating biarch. Gonna go far in diesel mechanicing.
Lambo all the way,Ferraris are hideous
You get that when you have grouse friends&an even better boyfriend. The main people in your life are meant to make you happy.
This is ridiculous.
65 kilos (:
no idea tbh
spend as much time with my boy as humanly possible haha
cheers jack
Thank-you tash! xx I'm not even going to listen to it, he's told me what happened&it's nothing at all! Everyone can actually off, their all just causing because their unhappy with there lives. We're happy, leave us alone. Ffs.
They snapchat. Big Fu.cking whoop.
NO HE DIDN'T. he told me everything&I'm not even the slightest bit mad, he didn't do anything bad at all. Not his fault someone tried grabbing his junk.
HE DID NOT CHEAT. I know everything, he didn't do anything bad at all! A female knew we were dating but still tried anyway, he did NOTHING, a ***** trying to grab on him, he didn't retaliate. Go away.
Dad or mum
Awe cheers Jacky boy (:
My boyf
To just pack my **** & leave.
HAHA, no actually I didnt, so off&keep out of my relationship, nothing at all happened he won't do it
How about f.uck off? He knows the consequence if something happens, NOTHING is going to happen so stop putting ridiculous Fu.cking thoughts in my head, I've thought this over plenty&I trust him so go away, I do learn actually, it's the happiest month&a half I've ever had so catch Fu.cka
He hasn't cheated on me, he's never had the chance to cheat on me, were always together.. hahaha, plus what do you mean 'still ' we've been dating a month.
My friendship with my dad.. hah
If you have a problem with something that has been well and truly done for 6 or so months, chuck me an inbox instead of being a gutless piece of ****.
She's obviously still talking **** about me then, hahaha. Uhm no I didn't expect her to be on her own, but I still made the effort to text her everyday & to invite her places, but I either got blunt as **** replies, or no replies at all. So I gave up trying to make an effort to somebody that clearly didn't want to bother with me. I didn't block her at all actually, She's talking ****, she knows I haven't blocked her so, righto.
Hahahaha, no. Things change when people leave school, 'friends' find 'better' friends&don't want to talk to someone they spent 5 years with.
What friends? haha. All backstabbing pieces of **** that only ever talk to me when they want something.
Drinking with the gang.
Hungry Jack's is my secondary job. I work at the wreckers , you gutless c.unt take it off anonymous, pathetic little *****es that have no life & think they hurt people's feelings. Oop tough as babe, haha. Hide behind a stupid as* website but wouldn't have the balls to say it to your face. Bye bye now ya low life moron.
Since when did I ever give four shi.ts about if I was 'unladylike' you obviously don't know me very well you Fu.ckwit. feral? Oh wow hun, get a life and take it off anonymous? I bet you wouldn't have the balls hahaha. Grow up you pathetic, no life having, piece of I'm going further in life then you obviously.
If you'd seen me in the past 5 months you'd know my hair was fine you dumb Fu.cking hoe
Clowns.. can't deal.
Miss her SOOOOO much, absolutely adore her, I love how no matter what She's always there, always prepared to listen to my ****, easy the best friend i could ever ask for. Xx
When you love someone, your feelings don't just go away. I've always had a spot for him, he's gorgeous, caring, has an awesome family, I couldn't be without him.
Getting up early, driving the patrol to the lake, having a fish, then four wheel driving the whole way home with dad.
Michael Stuart Walker.
Nope, haven't been for nearly a month. (:
That feeling when you're beyond happy!
Jeans easily.
People that know how to say "favourite " and "people" . But nah Jas & Loch xx
Gross teeth, druggy, always asks for nudes, or to fuc.k, just a wanker in general.
$1450.65 #cheershungryjacksyababe
Ridiculous question.
Wtf! I didnt touch Mitch!! ahah
woah woah woah back up. Hahahahahahah no I did not?
Got asked this three days ago, but Diesel mechanic, or spare parts interpreter (:
Diesel Mechanic #greasemonkeylyf
Whenever it happens
Food. Sleep.
Haven't spoken for forever! Xx
Apollo bay.
Dunno if it counts as a song, but the anaconda parody by frenchy &the roundabout crew, fkn never laughed so hard
Deepfried pickles with mayo holyfu.ckingshi.tba.lls perfect.
Many nude runs to the main street.. -.-
No idea tbh
Has to be funny, sweet&have an interest in cars, fishing, hunting&four wheel driving.
Pretty much every person I've ever thought I 'liked ' ew, all such douche bags.