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DM my ?
DM my ?
Yes, I have a younger sister.
Dankie so baie ☺️
Getting to spend time with the people I love, and who love me ♡
I can honestly say I have no regrets.
I'm at a good place in my life, and I'm happy.
I'm surrounded by people who care about me and love me for me.
Live with no regrets ♡
Die enigste serial killer wat ek is, is wanneer ek Froot Loops vir ontbyt eet ? ek belowe
I'm not staying skinny ? trust me
Ek kan rerig nie op die oomblik aan iets dink nie.
Ons het in my engelse klas Shakespeare bespreek, toe vra een van die meisies "Skryf hy nog?"
Ek het so hard ge-faceplant ek dink daar is nou nog 'n palm afdruk.
Shampoo and Conditioner? Like any normal person, I guess ??
Sometimes I miss people who aren't part of my life anymore. But I would say I miss the memories, not the person.
Going to bed each night at an ungodly hour.
I have a few best friends.
Some people seem great while talking to them, until you meet them.