Can you remember where we stayed at Philip island ?
In my car, was so uncomfy! Not ?Cmon my memory isn’t that bad ?
Do you remember the last time you saw me and where ?
Can’t message anywhere else this is to difficult ha
Yeah I do was Cranbourne? Pretty sure I drove off fast ?
How many times we slept together x
fck Jesus lost count
Inbox me x
Insta our messenger?
Berwick maccas ? Im say hour and half
Okay done! :)
Meet up ?
Tyson is picking me up soon and if you want we can meet somewhere ?
I thought the same but it just gets worse
I've come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as happiness.
Why? You have 2 beautiful kids, that will grow up and be smart and healthy, try to think a little positive cause life isn't always a walk in a park
Because I shouldn't be thinking of you like I do everyday when I should be happy and it's not fair on the people around me but I just can't let go of what we had and how happy you made me.
Yeah I know what you mean :/ thought everyday would get easier...
But it make's me feel like a horrible person.
Whys that if you don't mind me asking ?
Is it normal should I be feeling this way. ?
Yes it is, cause it means something ?
It's killing me not being able to talk to you and even see you.
So I'm not the only one that my mind goes 24/7..
Confused about what ?
Yes I know but I don't understand why we couldn't just be friends and be in each other's life's it was better than nothing.
Because if we try to be friend it won't work out
Cause there will always be something more.
No I don't because things haven't changed.
I'm guessing you feel the same way so what was the point. ? :(
I'm so confused at the moment,
You know how we both feel and what we had.
But what if things go wrong like it always had?
I seriously don't think I'm strong enough emotionally..
I'm scared I'll just get pushed away again
and to be honest it felt like having my heart shaded in to a thousand pieces.
But did you understand why I had to do it? :'(
There's not a single day that goes by that you're not on my mind.
It's driving me insane. :(
Inbox me?
Do you ever think about me. ?
Or am I just a waisted memory.....
I am going to be complete honest , I think about you all the time, and It hurts...
Just inbox me
Can you do it first? Please
Sometimes i really wish things could be different and normal if there is such thing just like it was before things got so complicated and messed up
Your always on my mind and it's killing me inside.
I wish that everyday,
But now even if we do talk it will be even more messed up, your on my mind everyday and I wish I could just inbox you like how we used to do it.
Because I don't want to make the situation even more complicated
I know exactly what you mean :(
But I never said who this was
Why don't you tell me who you are then?
you won't find the right girl if you don't move on from the past...
I want to move on but I cant, and I have had a lot of options, but there's no way I'm getting hurt again.
If the world was ending and you had one day to spend with only one person who would it be
It would be you,
No doubt about it.
Why is it every time i hear a song i think of you. Is it normal.
Yes it's normal, it happens to me everyday, sometimes can be that one song....
What was your last dream about ?
Trying not to remember..
The best song in 2014 for you ?
and that is completely up to you I just felt like you didn't understand it was never my intention for you to be upset but if your happy to leave it at this and you have no questions that's fine.
I have so many questions I wish I asked in the past or now, but if you answer those questions now nothing is going to change what happend
Or why it came to this. Theres not one day I can't stop think of you and it's not right for where we are in our life's.
its only ever me that messages first.
look I'm not playing games I have said what needs to be said and if there is anything else you need to to clarify I'm happy to just message me. :)
Last time I spoke to you , you seemed different.
And it's not getting anywhere. Im still hurt from all of this and I'm not making myself more worked up.
no I mean I was telling my self that we went doing wrong and even you know that we were. can you just inbox me
Inbox me first please.
it was never you I was hard to keep pretending what we were doing was right I never understood why everyone around us could only judge until I took a step back and saw the truthwe are at complete different stages of our lives
So what he had you were pretending to do it? Ok.
its not a bad thing to think about someone all the time it just shows you still care about that person that's just you, you are a kind person sometimes things don't work out but its most likely for the best don't ever think you did wrong.
Some days I think I did do wrong and wish I can turn back time and fix it, but it's way to late and now you have moved on and continuing with your life. And so you should
I haven't forgotten you its just easier this way I don't message because I know in the long run it will do you good I just hold you back from enjoying life you will always be a big part in my mind.
Mm, all I know is that for some reason I can't get you out of my head and it's not right, I miss you everyday, and I can't help not too.
I hope everything goes we'll in January and be safe and have a great Christmas and New Years.
What do you love the most?
how many girls have you had s.e.x with?
Umm, 15 i think
how long have you been smoking for?
Ummm, over 4 years i think
Do you smoke ciggies?
Sad to say yes i do.
That's surprising! does it matter that I'm 16 and have a kid?
Noo! Im waiting for the inbox :P
Are you kidding me? you're so good looking you probably have so many girls talking to you already :( I'm also probably too young to be talking to you
No i dont!
Haha just inboxed me please :)
I'm no where near hot compared to you
So? Im not that good looking, omgg jusg inbox me haha your making me wait. Ha
you seem like a really nice guy! But I've had too many people come in and out of my life like they don't care, which has made my confidence drop so much and has made me even more shy than what I was to begin with :( sorry
Dont be like this! Those people are not worth it then, just message me please and we can talk, or give me an idea who you are, pleass dont make me wait for that inbox!
aww :) we only know of each other! Through a friend! We haven't met yet though
Well if you inbox me can get to know us better,
Ill be waiting for a inbox!
makes me even more nervous to inbox you because you seem so so so nice! I would probably freeze up if I ever met you let alone talk to you as myself over inbox :(
Aww who ever this is your a cutie, just inbox me please :) i will never find out who you are, so just do it, be strong! Ha
I would love too but I'm too shy and you hardly know me :(
Pleaseeee! :)
aw! try not to let it get to you :)
Aww thanks :) should inbox me, i love a chat!
what did they do?
boy or girl?...
Girl, dont reallg want to talk about it :)
Do you hate anyone?
Yes for what they did and how it inpacked so hard.
Do you like big black women? And i love my vt commys but I hate been used to lower peoples cars for cruises. Can you please show me a decent time out ?
English man you are not making sence...
I might have to ;)
Inbox me yeah!
are you a good kisser?
Find out for yourself ;)
just buy them a tooth brush and deodorant.
Yeah i should...
can't you just say it on here?
Nope, just inbox me. Lol
Who is it? Lol
Inbox me and ill tell you
Have dirty teeth and smell
Well theres one,
Ew cant even think about it
aren't a few of your mates in that category though?
What do you mean?
What turns you off in a person ?
Dirty teeth and smells.
what if they are waiting for you to contact them?
is it a girl or boy?
Girl. They should message me first. Dont even know what i did anyway
You never really know until you try, how do you know that that person doesn't miss you back?
I know. If they did they would get in contact with me
why don't you just tell that person that you miss them?
Because i know that person doesnt miss me.. and has moved on.. and is happy with life.
do you miss anyone from your past?
Yes i do.. everyday i think about that person
I miss you so much
If you miss someone that much. Just tell them. Whats the worse that can happen
Do it I dare you ;)
Come here suggaa!
Hit me baby one more time.
Wouldnt hit you.. ill touch you;)
oh, when was the last time you saw and/or spoken to the girl you think has feelings for you?
Like 2am this morning haha.
Was her mate a girl or a guy?
I know if I knew someone liked my friend I'd tell my friend if I knew my friend liked them back!
A girl.. shes like... i cant say..
Hahah :/
Yeah that would be really awkward...
only ask if it's obvious, or if your mates know her they might know?
Hahaha sorry just trying to help
Already asked one of her mates but Wouldnt tell me haha. Its okay. Who are you by the way? :P inbox
girls can almost never tell if a guy has feelings for them, so it's the same both ways.
sometimes you have to either straight up ask them if they do which is hard or wait it out, and watch their actions or the way they talk to you.
And if you ask them and they dont...
Awkward! Lol
Do you know if a girl has feelings for you?
Sometimes Its hard to tell
When your in a relationship would rather the girl not care what you do and who you hang out with or care and get jealous when your with girls??
When they get jelous.. shows how much they really like you
You know what annoys me about you age being 18 the youngest what if the girl you are meant to be with is 16 or 17 but youll never get that because you wouldn't go there because of the age..
Depends of the situation. Maturity ect...
the last girl you kissed. Was she a girl you might like or was it just for fun?
Kissed are fun. Define like?
does the last girl you kissed mean anything to you or was she a one night stand kiss?
Not to sure what your on about can you explain in further detail?
I feel abit bad for you because like someone out there loved you dearly and all you do is ignore her in that way please give that girl a chance :)
Theres no one? Please inbox me?
I miss you
Should inbox me
Lol didn't you f uck a 16/17 year old last year?
Did i?
Does that age range also apply to girls you'd f u ck? ;)
Ohh yess!
Youngest and oldest you would date?
18-35... like the older girls;)
Ashleigh maskell?
Nice girl! Very pretty and fun to hang around!
Can u be my first kiss?
Dont even no who you are haha.
How was your first kiss like ?
wet and sloppy
I'm single, need my clit to tingle , can I call you?
Is this your number? 0423269814 ;)
why won't you answer my question about alisha?
None of your business about us really. Sorry more of a private person.
Alisha is ugly
Why so rude? And shes not
What happened with you and Alisha?
Not sure really still dont really understand. Mm
Thoughts on relationships?
Not a big fan anymore
are you bi *exual?!
wanna jerk off together?
You fking poof
Do you root? I'm ***** ;)
No still a virgin, after marriage
what do you look for in a girl?
Smile,personality, someone who will treat me as good as i treat them,
Have u got feelings for anyone?
Always have feelings for someone. But Will never happen.
Hi how's your day today
My days are not as good anymore, but thanks for asking.
Will you go out with me ?
Dont know if your the one I like?
post your name?
I can't stop thinking about you
:, (
:, (
Your amazing and you deserve to be happy so find someone new and enjoy your life
Thanks. Not for a long time though. Cant afford to get heartbroken. .
You enjoy yours to.
in my heart
I will always love you.
Yeah. Cant say it back not sure who is..
love is a hard word, when you love someone so much and they hate you and never want to speak to you again. It hurts so much noone will know how you feel inside.
With me, when I find love I stick with love, I try eveeything and do anything to make the girl happy..
but sometimes your just not good enough.
so ill say it back " I love you" but does love always make people happy?
I can't :( but all you need to know is that I like you and your truly amazing in every way ;)
Mmmm :(
Heyy cutie marry me :)
Inbox mee :)