Smartphone that is on your wishlist?
iPhone 6
Last time you cried?
4 weeks ago
are you and monica still friends?
you asked this twice
are you and monica still friends?
I'd like us to be
What is success to you?
Completing the task at hand, Achieving your goal. Doing it without gaining a criminal record
best acrobat you know?
3 - VB, Azza Mavro, Cade
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
6 billion people
Did you love clubbing last night?
I enjoyed it yes
Hahaha Ben no one asks u anything or even talks to u Mbourne
Hahaha always supportive Monica, They once asked me to move the earth, it was too heavy
The best movie so far in 2014?
What bores you about people ?
When they talk crap
Do you have favourites?
Your father's name?