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Dont like to think that anything in my life had been a mistake, everything thats happened and everyone who has entered and left my life have impacted on my life in many ways whether it be good or bad and have also shaped me as a person, so I wouldn't like to think anything In my life has been as mistake, but you could say iv learnt alot due to the different situations and oppertunerties that have come my way! :)
Dont even know anymore haha
Hahah I wonder who this is!
Ambalee Lindrea.
Thats great! Im happy for you :)
What's yours?
I can honestly say iv never herd anyone ever say this so im flattered! Definately made my day, thank you! I really wanna know who this is? haha
Why thank you!
Im not sure but thank you haha
Iv had two long lasting proper relationships!
Just because someone used to do bad things doesn't mean they always will. So no actually my boyfriend is not a druggo at all. Tbh its funny you had to say this anonymously. Goes to show how tough you really are! Good job :)
Allowing worthless people dictate and rule a huge part of my life when after all they honestly didnt deserve to be a part of my life at all.
Zav ballis, luke jones & bailey herring
Nicest guy!
Shes like my little sis, love her to bits! :)
And I love her just as much!
Dont really know her but she seems nice :)
Hes like my little brother! Absolutely love him :)
I dont think so.
Stuck up *****es.
Sooo nice and absolutely gorgeous! :)