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BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD.....she is soooooo funny nice,kind easy to get a long and she is 1 of those people you just wanna hang around with.. she is always there for me when im feeling sad and i respect her to the max.. she always and will be a a true bestest awesomest friend for eves... ahahah #niggas#for#life :D
#so#confused haahah
everthiing and nothing
my secret fooool
wellll in school footy no 1 and in moama team ummmm some people piss me of sometimes (noah) but he still an awesome bloke
georgie pain is one of th3e best chicks i know... she pretty nice kind funny and yeahahhhhhh.... hehe
ummmmmmm dunno what ever u want me to be
awesome friend.... funny, dumb, kind and yeah ahaha dardie
Best nigga u will ever meet ahah :D FUNNYY AS such a great friend.. when im down she cheers me up and yeah that what friends are for... and i will never meet anyone like her..has and always will be a true friend :)
nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga. IM 100% NIGGA
OMFG BEST NOONGA I KNOW.... funniest noonga ever <3
WELL... meg hates me haha and yeah shes pretty nice funny crazy and kind ahha
ooooo... maybe garry abblet, trent cotchin or jobe watson... its gonna be close.. haha
probs sydney or hawthorn
Rate: 10/10
Like: everythin
Cute with: MEEEE
mmmm Curtis HAyes as girl and Georgie Pain as a boy
BEST AND FUNNIEST KID I KNOW..... hes awesome at footy soccer and cricket. hes funny and kind and looks after people when they r down... and hes the best friend to have
JOELLE JOELLE JOELLE... where can i start from. 99.9% of the time she has blond moments.. sometimes annoying but she is nice, kind, funny, caring and to any boys that read this she would be the perfect one 4 u
Rate: 10/10
Like: that hes smart
Dislike: Nothing at all
Rate: 1000000000000000/10
Dislike: that im not going to school wif her yet :(
Cute with: wouldn't have a clue :(
Rate: 10000000000/10
Like: her self
Hate: that she always laps me :(
Cute with: Corey farell old mate
ZAC M is one of the smartest and funniest kids to talk to.. haha and he really funny and good at art and footy
piss of liv tav
Rate: 4/10
Like: that she wog
Hate: whe she is so freaking annoying .. and i am currently pissed of at her
Cute with: who ever she like :/
dammnnn gurl u da se*yyyyy
Like: her personality
Hate: she goes to 208
ute with: no one that i know of
where can i start from aahha.. she a funny nigga... good to talk to, wont meet anyone like her coz she doesn't act like any of the other girls she is just her own person and has and always will be a true friend.. hhaha