How are you?
Im Awesome, how are you✨
Do you have nice feet ?
ohk u dont like him u LOVE him
very funny mats but i dont love nobody
i know u llike him stop pretending matilda_nhiwa
i like you
i like a lot of people
ueven took T PLACE IN MY HEART matilda_nhiwa
mmm u tell me wats going on with ToTo
whats going on with u and suacy daddy matilda_nhiwa
nothing nigga theres mutiple niggas i call dzaddy
ayah zvakaoma shuwa
babe i missed u this weekend
me tooo babes i was sooo lonely this weekend
What are you sick of trying to explain to people?
My views ??♀️?
Who is the most famous person you have met?
Jah Prayzah??????
sweety its been long baby girl
Baby I saw u this morning ?
Favourite people to talk to rn??
The blue heart people ?????
You know yourselves ?
Your gorgeous???????❤❤❤❤?
?Thanks babes????
ropa i heard u had big dreams of dating a guy who u know kuti it will be by gods grace
Ah matty? I don't want to be datin nobody at the moment and who this guy of it tt u heard about ?
You never answered my question about Eugene?
?yeah clearly ??♀️
Do you find yourself attractive?
Of course if I don't who else will??♀️?u need to love urself
how many boyfriends have you had and how many have you cheated on
???wena these ain't things u can ask virtually
As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?
Some people's attitudes
Who's Eugene to you??
Eh why do u want to know??
Do you have a thing for me??
Depends on who u are???
who do you like
dont lie to me bhadkirst_01
ill tell u its for ur ears only
are you looking forward to valentines bhadkirst_01
depends on how it turns out
who do yuo love more me or tawana bhadkirst_01
babes tts quite an obvious answer
u k i love u more
who are you dating
no one
hi swathe
did you miss me this weekend bhadkirst_01
of course i dd
nobody at the moment babes
btch u lying abt tawanda didnt i catch u two in the ladies toilet doing a little something something matilda_nhiwa
i was just getting him toilet paper let it gooooo
saka how many boyfriends you got girl
i dont remember
is it true u were caught twerking by a male teacher at skul matilda_nhiwa
yes its very true
i heard u also had a thing for tawanda chigwada
nooooo nigga we just friends
is it true u like gula from falcon
sorry who is gula????
ko apa you are busy in class in lab T2 should you not be learning ? savysky
you know that you arent learning also
why is your insta name blue ocean
are you blue ?
or just an ocean savysky
umm why are you called savy sky
What did your last relationship teach you?
to not have long distance relationships
where have u been
at school
What's one of the dumbest things you've heard someone say?
one time this girl asked if a dude died after someone had just said he committed suicide
can we be friends ??
Where do you live??
Hu are u dating???
What are your favorite colors??
Black n blue
Hu are your friends ???
Kirsten, Vanessa, Tawanda, Britney
Do u have a crush on me????
First of all hu are you ???
Hu is your crush ???
I don't like you
I don't know u
Why dd many boys vote for you?
Vote? where?
What misconception about you would you like to clear up ?
That I'm savage. I'm only savage to those who deserve it.
I see u babes
I know u do??
What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?
The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?
Eat then go to sleep
You arr soooo beautiful with braids omg???
Would you date a guy who lived in namibia
What's something that took you way too long to realize?
That school is fun
What are you currently worried about?
Do you know Terrel or Zinthle
Yeah. I know both of them
What do you never trust?
Some people
What do u like doing more by yourself?
What makes you genuinely happy?
My friends