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haha smelly cheese
not with you haha
haha she didnt mind only her daughter haha
not ganna explain tayla
hahah tayla
because i have alot of hater's haha
Carlton dry boxers
you be digging deep when i go in deep
at the same time ;)
i hope you can :P
you be swallowin more then once ;)
good we will use that to our advantage haha
an*** and never been deep throated so like to see what thats like to feel :)
swallows ahhaa but she can deside
doggy, and depends on how far your legs go behind your head haha and few others
both sound yumm
bout 7 to 8 i believe
girl know what shes doing. and like to get nasty
hhhmmmm not fun and not louder ,
well that makes two of us :D
if shes naked
Haha I'd make u do the dishs for one then other things :-)
What colour are you
Blonde b**ty and hardcore in bed
how come you wont get on it then? ahha
shes taken but shes naughty to
she taken haha. mean at times but gotta show me some love haha
normaly no. dont think iv done full naked only shirt off. what about you?
not at this moment, got commitment problems. dont want to go for someone who wont make me happy in the long run.
wish i did have a *exy body. never gets used :(
depends on who you are, there is one person that i would like to.
if she was into it il give it a good shot. but never liked being whiped so im sure i give her a hard go ahha
cause i know how she talks and one the questions gave it away
***** owes me 30 hahahaha
twice, but not by cheating or sleeping with someone else., haha i was allways to late.
no one is interested in me thats why and i like to find that girl ahah well you better keep messageing me on facebook then :P
im more judgmental to my self then to other's i normaly **** myself **** then judging other's
prove me wrong?
im not to sure sorry.
haha well i be more then enough for you
it would be cuddleing someone, who is actualy mean to me haha
blondeish brown hair. blue greeny eye's very nice rack. gotta have a arse, and not scared to get rough :)
im not to sure. if she a high end hook** yes, but one that makes **** all cash then idonno haha
wooowwww that one is a hard one. prob need two girls and me for it to work but with just one chick i recon. throw her across the room pull that *****'s hair and slam it in her ahahha.
ask how much it is for an hour.
hmmm. had a good think about this and i say it would have to be the people who died in the last 5 years who i was close to,
alot..leaving my job at meatworks , so hard to get work
yeah mate. but keep it shaved :)
no it dosent, my hair on my head is darker haha ;)