Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Sorry i should have been clearer in saying my attitude toward "being on the hunt for $ex" is not a positive one. Not to say that i dont see the point or appeal but going to any kind of effort to objectively pursue *some $ex* or leaving my house specifically for the purpose of that seems kind of shtty to me. - not to look down on anyone who does or whatever
What a despicable meme :(
The door is locked on both sides
I have actually considered that, i think my libido is just kind of out of wack on top of my attitude toward being ~out on the hunt for $ex~
Idk i defs wouldn't say im separate from $exual feelings and stuff like that but right now i couldn't imagine leaving my house to go and get some $ex ya know? It would be weird if i spoke too deeply into this but ty for your thought provoking question ahahahahah
I draw all the time but in my spare time i lay on the ground ty for ur question
Ahah something like that. The more time passes the more stupid i find what i said. I change my wish to have a deranged Robert Berone as my dad.
I think i was following a train of thought yesterday that i dont understand today ahah. It was something along the lines of if people were objectively honest with themselves and others everything would kind of match up in their personality but that stuff is really hard to do so tbh i dont think ive met anyone who makes sense in that way.
I dont hold people to a super high standard like that but it was just something i was thinking about at the time ahah sorry
Idk I wish people could be more consistent. Often I think the way people are dosent usually add up with what they say and stuff.
Or rather i wish i understood people better.
Or i wish people were more honest
Idk whatever will make people make more sense •_•/
A good nights rest
Memes arent a substance that can be consumed, digested and then thrown away!
MEMES IS INFORMATION MAN!! Memes can be seen by millions of people and not lose any validity. Memes are magical. Memes are forever.
Yes very good
Innocent until proven guilty bruv u got nothing on me. Look at my eyes im fcked dont believe me im fcked look at my eyes honestly man look at my eyes im fuuucked
It real nigga hours sempai why tf u up fam lmao ,^D^, ~100~ 100~ ♡3♡
A haiku:
I blaze old people
fcking heaps of chix ye boi
Kowabunga dude.
^This chicky babe is speaken me lingo
Some n00b tried 2 quickscope 180 kickflip me and then said "cow boogers" or some obsolete sht it was fcken grot as!! I told the f**oot to get lost and kicked the wimp 2 the curb baby girl! Ye boi!!!!!!!!
Aw, gross!
Cringe city grandpa
Go back to the 60s wimp
Ugh i hate language
Are you trying to talk? More like stop talking idiot.
U love it -3-
I love it
Only the gnarliest p-gram. Kowabunga dude!
Theres this geometric shape i remember they made my class draw in primary school (math i think). I dont quite know how to describe it or if it even has a name but ive been drawing it into heaps of stuff. (I tried to explain what it looks like here but its really hard soz ahah)
Sorry i havent been on the internet aaah next time ;-;
(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
I think i try not to tbh. Pretty crushing when you dont even have the confidence to talk to people hehe
I havent had to think about something like - which girls i like - in a while and it was phrased in a way that reminds me of what that was like ahah idk man
This is so cute
I dont think so paly pal pal lord of the rings tho its tempting ???
I got it for 1000 bitcoins off the deep web. The suits should be coming to take me away any minuet.?h a n g t e n p a l !?
I have no shame. My mad emo cred can get me out of most pop punk faux pas anyways????k o w a b u n g a , d u d e .?
I had to check that i didnt accidentally send myself that question. YOU STEAL MY GAMEPLAN! But yeah *insert: pop punk lyric about how i hate this town and how its so washed up and how my friends dont give a fck*
Just weird seeing people again and kinda cringy tbh but it was better than staying at home ahah
If by kitcat you mean copious amounts of alcohol then that is some advice to live by. Gotta say after going to a party with people from my school for the first time in forever last night im pretty fcken keen to meet people who arent from my town jfc
Cool cool cool
I like being around people just not... most people. Maybe most people come across to me as uninteresting or intimidating. Idk being alone is fine as well, getting my thoughts together is kinda hard today sozzimodo
Its just sp00ky is all. friends are cool but most people genuinely make me uncomfortable in principle. I can deal with people day to day and i dont want to sound like an A$$hole here but there arent many people that im interested in being around at all. Weird is a uh... nice way to put it?
Often enough that i know which situations to avoid (i think its important to say that im not trying to justify my not having a job or saying that i shouldnt get one, just saying my feels)
Idk if i dont have a strong interest in something then i find it really draining to do (if that makes sense) like being around people mostly. I doubt any employer is going to be understanding if i have a panic attack and dont show up on the first day or some sht. And all for that $weet $tuff? I dont want it tbh
Already on it pal thanks for the love.
Nah im just gonna lay on my floor and have my mum pour food into my mouth while i cut myself thinking about how meaningless existence is. What it is to be an 18 year old aspiring artisan. Thanks 4 the offer tho anon. Really almost gave me the motivation required to overcome my countless afflictions and woes and really make something of myself :D i cant wait to be part of the beautiful system :D :D
I think youre taking me a little too seriously when i say that im "doing nothing" and implying that i plan on living as a leech forever. I figured that you would understand that i was being self depricating and overdramatic. All of your overspeculating aside dont need to be reminded of how much of a burden my life is as a flipping teenager. Nobody needs that sht.
As long as we're getting deep into what work does for the human condition i could say that i hate what working does to people. I hate the idea of standing blank faced doing some menial job that i hate for a large portion of my life, let alone most of it and i hate what kind of person i'd have to become to cope with that. While i do appreciate your concern for the wellbeing of my parant*s* i absolutely dont need to work, i dont need to do anything. Yolo.
I don’t want to take my time going to work, I got a motorcycle and a sleeping bag, and ten or fifteen girls… What the hell do I want to go off to-- and go to work for? Work for what? money? I’ve got all the money in the world, I am the king man. I run the underworld, guy. I decide who does what and where they do it at. Why am I going to run around and act like I am some teeny bopper somewhere for somebody else’s money? I make the money man, I rule the nickels. The game is mine. I deal the cards.
Very good idea. But jeez im stumped, what do you suggest anon?
Lol nothing obvs
Mind blowing wit, im dead
*there are way bigger losers See; person calling someone a loser as anon and then laughing at themself... in text.
And i owe it all to ????????
Gosh i hate when people express care/concern in a constructive way. I also hate cute animals, water and warm, comfortable places smh
But srs i appreciate the kind words etc. Ive been getting pretty complacent when it comes to talking to others lately and its rare that someone goes "hey you gotta work it out" so ty 2 u?
Will put in extra effort next time FOR U ANON
I defs feel, making friends is rough though. Not everybody likes cool trendy memes tho D: and memes are all i have D:
Didnt feel like i was being teased at all :D :D :D :D
Well considering fallout 4 is coming out in a few days i doubt ill be seeing the sun a whole lot over the next however long ahahah. Not to get too sentimental or anything but i hardly see my friends unless somebody wants to get drunk or something so hanging out with people is rarely in the cards for me. Ahahah i hope that didnt seem too sad or anything
Whilst i appreciate the concern i dont think im at the point of needing professional help. I just dont go out very often and sometimes when i do its a little hard to adjust i think. Unless you were just saying i should 'talk to someone' in a general sense in which case i already am I CAN FEEL MYSELF BEING CURED
I went with my sister and i think i was just drained from being too cool or something? But ye i think its a being a teenager thing hopefully
Nah just couldnt take the heat i guess Being in public is stressful af sometimes meng
I had a small anxiety thing and had to leave early, nothing too serious :)
I should, i was there last week and had a little bit of a bad time but its usually a good time
I should, i was there last week and had a little bit of a bad time but its usually a good time
At least ppl didnt forget about me yet ;-;--;-;-;-;;-;;-;-;-;-;-;;
*me smashing the fuk out of my like button*
Guarenteed still the most vigin person you know but its nice to know even though school is over people are still as immature as ever :)
Only if he had the fat t***
****ing lol
I don't leave my home often enough for it to be likely that you saw me... I went to my sister house a few days ago but I doubt anybody saw me around. $
The fact that I have no idea what that means probably validates this. But like if it's bad... **** you and stuff.
I might, but prubž not. I heard they have like three vegan salads there -_-
Waiting for something on the Internet to give me some of those
You're weird for not doing it, you weird weirdo. GOSH
Real animals masterbate and cry alone. WOO
I party, ok?
****ing like 27 attractive womans at one time. Besides that not one single thing at all.
Whenever I want fgt
There's no way me bredda you my number 1
There's no way you're this cool and I don't know who you are myerrahhghhuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I didn't end up going and it is literally traumatic. over the past couple of weeks rooms of the house and tigers jaw are all I've been listening to besides when I'm being a cool guy tryna scream to touche amore
Ay **** you you should have gone to la dispute with me I just needed people to go with me bruh, straight up go to shows with me all of the time. I will get a job for you.
I don't know he just mentioned it, I guess whoever else is you go to shows often?
We'll see
hellions are ok I think they did talk smack about I exalt once tho. That ain't on.
I don't even listen to in hearts wake much i wanna be able to mosh and stuff but I got no Internet to listen to them and no frown emoji can properly express my displeasure :( :(:( :( :(
Cranbourne west ^•–•^
I'm gonna.. For real tho.
This is a great question... I hate you for it. Depending on if you mean all woman will just cease to exist or they never existed. I'm pretty sure if there were never any woman it would be strange if so many people were still into girls, assuming men could procreate. I think If even one of my close female friends died I wouldn't be okay with my life let alone losing half of the population. Although, my inner misanthrope would love the idea of the end of humanity but then there would be no music and that would be lame... Music and art are all I'm really interested in doing for a with my life but I'm sure that it would be replaced by something else (culturally). It would be a lot easier to let go of knowing that people like falling in reverse, botdf etc. ****ing etc. Would be out of a job. Moral of the story is that la dispute rules rules but there are way more boo*ies than Jordan Dreyers in the world so I chose option número úno. UNLESS you were talking about if I would just never get to talk to girls or listen to music again in which case I chose music and go gay. Thank you for the question.x
Sam George