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267 Replies

Do u use this still?


boibutsxxx replied 3016 days ago

So you're on the hunt for $ex? Lmao don't be one of the guys that sleep with anyone interested! you can leave the house if ya wanna it's not that scary (your mind is scarier)

Sorry i should have been clearer in saying my attitude toward "being on the hunt for $ex" is not a positive one. Not to say that i dont see the point or appeal but going to any kind of effort to objectively pursue *some $ex* or leaving my house specifically for the purpose of that seems kind of shtty to me. - not to look down on anyone who does or whatever

boibutsxxx replied 3281 days ago

2015 ‧ Comedy/Animation ‧ 1h 31m

What a despicable meme :(

boibutsxxx replied 3283 days ago

Get out of da houseeee!!! ????

The door is locked on both sides

boibutsxxx replied 3284 days ago

Have you ever thought you were a $exual?

I have actually considered that, i think my libido is just kind of out of wack on top of my attitude toward being ~out on the hunt for $ex~
Idk i defs wouldn't say im separate from $exual feelings and stuff like that but right now i couldn't imagine leaving my house to go and get some $ex ya know? It would be weird if i spoke too deeply into this but ty for your thought provoking question ahahahahah

boibutsxxx replied 3284 days ago

What do you do in your spare time?

I draw all the time but in my spare time i lay on the ground ty for ur question

boibutsxxx replied 3294 days ago

Lol u lameo loser can't change ya wishes too latee


boibutsxxx replied 3340 days ago

So you're saying you wish people weren't fake or biased or something?

Ahah something like that. The more time passes the more stupid i find what i said. I change my wish to have a deranged Robert Berone as my dad.

boibutsxxx replied 3340 days ago

What people do you talk to that don't make sense?

I think i was following a train of thought yesterday that i dont understand today ahah. It was something along the lines of if people were objectively honest with themselves and others everything would kind of match up in their personality but that stuff is really hard to do so tbh i dont think ive met anyone who makes sense in that way.
I dont hold people to a super high standard like that but it was just something i was thinking about at the time ahah sorry

boibutsxxx replied 3341 days ago

What do you ever wish for?

Idk I wish people could be more consistent. Often I think the way people are dosent usually add up with what they say and stuff.
Or rather i wish i understood people better.
Or i wish people were more honest
Idk whatever will make people make more sense •_•/

boibutsxxx replied 3342 days ago

What are you obsessed with?

A good nights rest

boibutsxxx replied 3344 days ago

Inhale or inject memes

Memes arent a substance that can be consumed, digested and then thrown away!
MEMES IS INFORMATION MAN!! Memes can be seen by millions of people and not lose any validity. Memes are magical. Memes are forever.

boibutsxxx replied 3344 days ago

Is your cover photo an American Football reference?.... Just looks similar but any Australia version. Ahaha idk

Yes very good

boibutsxxx replied 3344 days ago


Innocent until proven guilty bruv u got nothing on me. Look at my eyes im fcked dont believe me im fcked look at my eyes honestly man look at my eyes im fuuucked

boibutsxxx replied 3344 days ago

What were you doing up is the real question.. o.o


boibutsxxx replied 3344 days ago