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Someone who doesn't talk, and smells bad.
Not seeing my mum&little brother for over a year): xx
Your my boyfriends sister, your so nice, so good to be around and your really pretty xxx
My boyfriend.
My body and feet
I'm a virgin :)
How am i looking silly in the first place? haha, I trust my boyfriend darling and not you or anyone else is going to change that.
Aw thank you anon, mine&jakes relationship is nobody's business but ours.
I know babe, they want him but they can't have him(;
Because I love him, and you fight for the ones you love. I'm not just going to give up on him all because some jealous *****es are trying to make up **** just so they can have him. he mine. :)
Yes yes, I'm sure he does, wouldn't surprise me one bit :)
You mean the world to me, we have been through so much together I class you as my sister. Your so good to drink with such a crazy ***** though(; I miss you so much and I can't wait to come down! and you deserve a boy that treats you right and loves you for you.
Getting woken up early.