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Amuse me(:

15 Replies

Who inspires you?

My boyfriend.

bonnieem replied 3851 days ago

What turns you off in a person ?

Someone who doesn't talk, and smells bad.

bonnieem replied 3855 days ago

What is the saddest thing in life?

Not seeing my mum&little brother for over a year): xx

bonnieem replied 3860 days ago

Thoughts? xx maddyclayton

Your my boyfriends sister, your so nice, so good to be around and your really pretty xxx

bonnieem replied 3860 days ago

Which friend would you take a bullet for?

My boyfriend.

bonnieem replied 3864 days ago

2 things you dislike about yourself?

My body and feet

bonnieem replied 3868 days ago

You were a **** root back in the day

I'm a virgin :)

bonnieem replied 3873 days ago

I don't want him ya silly *****, just trying to look out for you and stop you from looking stupid, but dw then hahahahha

How am i looking silly in the first place? haha, I trust my boyfriend darling and not you or anyone else is going to change that.

bonnieem replied 3873 days ago 1

Tell everyone to **** of you and Jake are perfect and everyone else is just jealous. xx

Aw thank you anon, mine&jakes relationship is nobody's business but ours.

bonnieem replied 3873 days ago

Don't let annon make yu sad or angry there jealous xx tyramichelle

I know babe, they want him but they can't have him(;

bonnieem replied 3873 days ago 1

If it doesn't surprise you then why are you with him? Haha you can do better

Because I love him, and you fight for the ones you love. I'm not just going to give up on him all because some jealous *****es are trying to make up **** just so they can have him. he mine. :)

bonnieem replied 3873 days ago

you know jake talks and gets pics off other girls and constantly laughs about you to other people

Yes yes, I'm sure he does, wouldn't surprise me one bit :)

bonnieem replied 3873 days ago

Thoughts? Xo swalshh

You mean the world to me, we have been through so much together I class you as my sister. Your so good to drink with such a crazy ***** though(; I miss you so much and I can't wait to come down! and you deserve a boy that treats you right and loves you for you.

bonnieem replied 3875 days ago

Thoughts ? Jemballsss

Don't really know you, but you seem like a nice girl and your pretty.xx

bonnieem replied 3875 days ago 1

What annoyed you today?

Getting woken up early.

bonnieem replied 3875 days ago