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rebotile mashego


buza uzo phendulwa...... (**,)

32 Replies

I wonder how it feels 2 b plyd lyk ur man is doing??

lol i wonder too coz i havent bin plyd b4 =)

botile replied 4683 days ago

do u believe in *ex after marriage?

dts sooooo 19th century buh yes i do....#hides

botile replied 4688 days ago

Since u nd macb ar in da sym skhul,dont u guys c each other emakhonweni? U were da hotest couple ekasi

lol anon,dt ws bak then buh lyf goes on. Nd i cnt waste my tym on reserved goods. Im happily engaged

botile replied 4688 days ago 2

@ last reply...ppl are such haters u know!!!! bsilinda

u knw hw it is Bee,buh wu cares,m stil d wife here,ryt???? =)

botile replied 4691 days ago

i heard yr fiance is still dating tht gal frm longhmes hw do yo feel abt tht?

lol dats sum great gossip. Hope u enjoyed it too*wink*

botile replied 4692 days ago 1

IF u weRe a GuY..HoW WaS Ur DreSs coDe GoN Be LiKe??? bsilinda

lol mmmmmhhh,id go 4 cargo pants,sneakers and golf t-shirts. I dnt lyk being formal,dat myks ppl luk old,lawl!!!

botile replied 4693 days ago

frndshp or relatnshp? beeluxious

mmmmmmmMMMh,relationsHip???? DEpendS wit wU,buh Only iF iT dNt wOrk out wIt tsHiliDzi,buH frieNdshiP???? I Dnt jSt cOl aNy1 my buDDy,i jSt myK u Fil @ hmE weN u wIt me. =)

botile replied 4697 days ago

Have u Ever DeleTed A NasTy Qooh InboX?? bsilinda

lOl loooooooaDz o tYms. Dats Y i gT sOooO lil rePlies

botile replied 4697 days ago

How Do u Deal With Rejection?? bsilinda

yoh bEE,dts A haRd onE,buh i bEliv Dt eveRytn haS a reAsN behInd it nd eVen tho i Dnt fInd out wAt dat rEasN is,I lifT my hEaD uP hiGh nd kIp moVin =)

botile replied 4697 days ago

HoW Do u Deal WitH Fb WeirDos,ThoSe That JusT SenD u RanDom inboxes??? bsilinda

well,i myk em exercise theyr fingers until they pass out. I neva respond to any of em buh if its dt intense,i tend to block them

botile replied 4697 days ago

lol nyc q gal, kodwa wuld u? beeluxious

lol oh hell no!!! Mina ngiqwale yena sale a ryt,lol nt in a bad way,buh neh! =)

botile replied 4697 days ago

now tht ur single, r u available? tshidi00

lol dont beliv everythng u read on fb my dear

botile replied 4697 days ago

wanna see if u gonna reply to this!!!:-) bsilinda

lol hey ms Bee,happy now??? Lmao i saw ths frm sum1 b4

botile replied 4702 days ago

Wen r u planin on getn married since ure engagd?

lol gud q. Wel neva rili thot bwt dt buh i gues only my hubby wil b able to ansa dt.=)

botile replied 4704 days ago

Mornin sweedy...have a splendid day!! bsilinda

MoRniN anGelPie,i sHo hAd a SplEndId dAy,heY,hOpe u Dd tWoOo: mWahiEs

botile replied 4706 days ago 1