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Because you're trying to tell me my boyfriend of two years is cheating on me with no evidence dck head??
cause you're full of sht
inbox me if it's that serious :)
f.uck you
i'm straight soz
mah luv for bae
okay xxx
tbh everything
we don't really talk anymore and you're a bit of a druggo but all round good kid and good to talk to :)
you know you're screwed when someone finds your tumblr :)
you're obviously a dumb fck
Addison 25, Sam Walden 3, Bridie 25, Kyle Nichols 18, Abrianna 33, Brooke Tecka 37, Sarah 10, Lili 45, Kyle Davis 17, Tana 18, Lizzy Ferraro 11, Brooke Reid 3, Grace Fahy 11, Olivia Boundy 74, Ella Cattanach 4, Dylan 5, Caleb Dingey 36, Ella Keene3, Ally Folwell 5. xxx
what photo?
Liv B/54, Abs M/13, Caleb D/16, Lili B/24, Brooke T/17, Adds/6, Bridie S/5, Jye F/34, Kyle N/52, Lizzy F/11
woah I never said anything at all about Dahna or about hating Dahna.. where did this come from??
surprisingly okay, thanks for asking ☺️
honey no.
cbf doing long but we've been friends for so long and you're honestly one of the most amazing people in my life. you've helped me through so much and no matter what we always end up close again. I am so thankful for you and I appreciate you so much, love you liviedivie98 xxxx
two grand and a hug
bit of a pickle
aw you're actually such an amazing girl, we get along so well and you're so kind and funny. just the type of person I like to be around and you make me very happy and you're always there when I need someone xox
wrap it before you tap it
gorgeous girl, never left my side and always stood up for me no matter what. so so close and you're really funny ☺️?
lol inbox me if you really wanna know
when people try to hangout with people they've never even liked just to get back at me :)
science crap
aw aw thankyou so so much ☺️?
im not causing drama and naming people or some sht I'm legit over that
sometimes I don't vomit when I look at you :)) love you kylie xo
okay nice spelling but I want to many tattoos to explain them all and a couple more piercings on my ears, collar bones, maybe cheeks eventually, and probably medusa and nose eventually too I dunno I makes last minute plans
black jeans
people who think it's all g to tell people things you obvs didn't want everyone tO fckING KNOW
1,329 on my phone
sleeping when I'm tired not when I'm sad
okay kylie xx
animal tested products :))
every school report so far : )
probs vampire diaries
fcking $exy
don't fck things up
well I mean last night I watched 9 hours of Netflix and my old record was 7?
you are so kind and friendly, you always listen to me when I need you and are always there for me, you're really good at giving advise, really funny and just a great friend to have, just an all round lad
aw ashuq like a 14
Holy sht girl you are actually so beautiful, you're so easy to talk to and such a nice girl, we get along so well and you're an amazing writer! love you lots xx
aw Kylie you are one of my best guy friends, we annoy each other but your really kind and a lad and always there for me :)
I had a party last night and one next week end on actual Halloween :)
none or three
awe Kaitlyn x
the only thing I succeed in is not sleeping
Adds, Kyle and Nathan I reckon, there's a few others but I'm probably closest with them :)
Abs, Dahna, Amber :)
thankyou! x
okay first of all, yes I did! I thought I was doing the right thing, at the time. I sent like a huge message to Dahna apologising, I told her everything. people make mistakes, your spelling for example. it's *Lili, i also don't care if Rory told you, I don't care who told you, I messed up, I apologised, I'm over it, you should be too :)
awe ashuq thankyou
how am I fake "lols"
everyone getting along and being accepted for whoever they are :)
Ashuq :)
probably look what you've done- drake or work song- hozier
ma phone
probably just live in Japan with a hedge hog and sushi
certain special occasions? :)
music drinks and good company
Addison, Nathan and Ashuq :)
kitty so I could sleep and eat and sleep
kind of really happy kind of really fcked off
Ambie, Alana, Macca, Abrianna, Adds and my cousin x
litterelly everyone #shortlife
we don't talk much, but you're really pretty and super supportive, so kind and nice xx
known you for almost two years, in mah class, my best friend and I trust you with anything x
hi caleb
woah we used to hang out all the time in like grade 5 and 6 but we sorta drifted, you're in my class and you're so nice, really pretty too :) xx
let the roasting begin
what is this language
special people in mah life <3
Amber, Alana, Macca Pacca, Bridie, Dahna and Abs x
Addison, Nathan, Dingey and Kylie
current one tbh ☺️