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A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! Best chick Eva. One of my best friends, sooooo gorgeous, best personality and luv her to bits!!
Grace :) xx
its amazing! i absolutely love it and i get to meet so many wonderful new people as well! :)
funniest girl! nice, pretty and a great person to talk to! :)
Jason, Edwin, Will, Jordan, Wade
I know what you are implying ;) but we will see..
yeah there are some nice guys :)
umm, idk really... :)
yeah maybe, :)
ok, I enjoy horse riding, drawing and making people laugh. I love reading books and eating. I don't like white chocolate, pizza, raison bread, milk or scary movies. AND...My dream is to be a veterinarian for large animals. :)
i miss my bestfriend and i wish she would come back but at the same time happy for her that she is having a great experience :(
fave guys: not in order Wade, Jason, Jordan, Keb, Ed and Will.
Why do you want to know? :)
Jess is one of the nicest girls I have ever met! She is pretty with a great personality :)
I'm closest with Grace but there are also Mary, Shania, Natalie and I talk to Libby and Megan a lot too. Ten is a lot so I only really have five :)
no plans yet, open to suggestions :)
sweet sixteen and never been kissed! ;)
A horse :)
You are very pretty, have a great personality and are one of my favourite cousins! :)
Smiling at them and saying hello is definitely the best way to start
At Corowa? umm I don't really get to know many guys but I think probably Oscar is the nicest :)
I like all music really but if I had to choose a genre I would probably pick something like Pop/Rock
Oh my gosh, there's so many! Umm Prettiest: Grace Baker, Kiam Yates, Nicole Beale, Shayna Seater, Ashleigh Cavill, Megan Smith, Hannah McDonald, Brooke Freyer, Deborah Garcia and Riley Ralph Funniest: Elizabeth McCloskey, Megan Smith, Grace Baker, Ashleigh Cavill, Kiam Yates, Sophie Hanrahan, Demi Whitechurch, Natalie Walker, Meagan Bartlett and Shania Lee-Cook
As in personality or appearance?? I'll do a bit of both -Wade, Jordan, Keb, Dylan and Locky
I will keep you on your toes then! ;)
I know, but things happen for a reason. Maybe our paths were meant to go in different directions?
I have a feeling you may already know! :)
Hmmm, maaaaybee :) xx
Aww, thankyou! your too kind :)