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ask me sh*t

23 Replies

If you were suddenly elected president, what would be your first thing you do?

Make it legal to have more than 2 cats in one house ((:

brinnyyyy replied 2998 days ago

what's your $exuality


brinnyyyy replied 3007 days ago

What's one thing you wish you could do every single day?

be happy

brinnyyyy replied 3036 days ago

What would make your day?

seeing him

brinnyyyy replied 3043 days ago

What do you have no time for?

"best friends"

brinnyyyy replied 3076 days ago

Thoughts on shyanne?


brinnyyyy replied 3082 days ago

that wasnt even me? idgaf what your thoughts on me are shyannedawkins

okie dokie

brinnyyyy replied 3082 days ago

Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?

one that works

brinnyyyy replied 3082 days ago

How old will you be in 2030 ?


brinnyyyy replied 3089 days ago

She's not gonna say it to you bc you'll tell the teachers. Like Lochie, hani, Lachlan Liu, I don't like Kristal. Well dw cya ??

don't even bring Locky into this. I won't tell the teachers bc they don't do sh*t. whoever this is, inbox me. & I didn't get them onto her? they chose to message her and they don't even know half of what happened.

brinnyyyy replied 3100 days ago

You got all your friends onto Kristal. And she now hates you bc of it. She's only nice to you bc of Alice. But hope you're ok c

who did I get onto her? I have basically no friends. I don't give a sh*t if she hates me. oh and I'd rather her not be "only nice to me bc of Alice". if she hates me, she can f*cken tell me herself.
and who is this?

brinnyyyy replied 3101 days ago

What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?

to be happy.

brinnyyyy replied 3102 days ago

Aw well I hope you're okay xx. She's with Alice everyday you can't get angry at her for being with Alice when your there I hope you guys do sort things out xx

I'm not angry at her for being with Alice? she can hang out with her all she likes I couldn't care less. she just isn't allowed to come up to me or talk to me.

brinnyyyy replied 3107 days ago

Yes agreed but she can't really stay away from you when your with Alice and them. Bc Alice is her best friend ://

I'm with Alice because I have basically no one else.

brinnyyyy replied 3107 days ago

She told me she said sorry to you on Instagram because you blocked her on fb and you don't reply to her at school

when was this? she hasn't apologised for anything? and I don't reply to her at school because she knows she isn't supposed to talk to me let alone come near me.

brinnyyyy replied 3107 days ago