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brittany marchand



509 Replies

f***ing white nigga'


brittanymichelle replied 4133 days ago

Most embarrassing moment?

Have lots

brittanymichelle replied 4144 days ago

One thing that the world does not know about you?

There's more then one thing

brittanymichelle replied 4160 days ago

How often do you ***?

Every moment, Every second, every hour of the day

brittanymichelle replied 4163 days ago

Top 3 songs on your current music playlist?

Don't have a playlist

brittanymichelle replied 4165 days ago

Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?


brittanymichelle replied 4165 days ago

Do you support human cloning and why or why not?

Uh idk looool

brittanymichelle replied 4168 days ago

id bang you

Aww cute:*

brittanymichelle replied 4171 days ago



brittanymichelle replied 4171 days ago

Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?

Idk looool wtf

brittanymichelle replied 4171 days ago

Something you wish to have but cant afford?


brittanymichelle replied 4172 days ago

Hottest song right now according to you?

Bullet train - Stephen Swartz

brittanymichelle replied 4177 days ago

Reason for your last breakup?

Laaaawllll cause he flirts with every girl &never saw each other lollllllll

brittanymichelle replied 4179 days ago

Worst Mistake You ' ve ever Made ?

I've made a lot of mistakes but I guess pushing family away? Idrk

brittanymichelle replied 4181 days ago

Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?

I have no clue ahah

brittanymichelle replied 4185 days ago