Who are you doing deb with
Michael Finn why's that
who r u tuning at the moment??
haha no one actually.
Look on tayla Gilbert's qooh.me britta
Do I even wanna
Have u ever had braces
nah :)
oo well your a lovely girl, definantly should talk more and not be so shy! pretty girl:)
closest girl friends?
Jordyn, Steph, ebony hmm
Why aren't you and keely friends anymore?
there's difference of opinions haha
Are you and keely still friends?
You're a ****. Xoxo
so are you :)
Tayla gilbert hates you
had abit of a feeling this was her haha, babe I've known brock my whole life get over yourself
Thoughts on Aaron Luke and Jake
who's Aaron like or jake
Brock doesn't want to do deb with you lol
then he can tell me he doesn't want to? haha
I'm a girl and you never reply to my inboxes I thought we were friends
who are you
your just not a nasty person
well yeah I can be haha
You are ate all my salami and I miss you
I will buy you more salami & see you tomorrow or the next day zigi
you and Steph Papettas are cloes now
close* Yes she is a nice lady:)
i really wanna become closer with you but im not popular but u do talk to me sometimes :) x
I couldn't care if your popular or not at all? haha, inbox me then
is that your bf in your pic on here?
nooo noo noo that's Connor Jenkins :)
you dont know me but you went for my ex i hatd you at first then relised i was only jealous of you
someone's always gonna have an ex :p
notttthin cozza, mr choc man
f*** id f*** u so hard
With the flute ;)
Remember year 8 camp ;)
what about it?
I need some advice in Pubic shaving.... Ever time I shave my private part I bleed heaps can I die from that?
well babe, your pressing the shaver down to hard and most likely shaving your bloody skin cells on your fanny off. try just shaving the hair, not ya skin
b*m me??
itssssss not snowflakeeeee
You are so hot wouldn't mind to bang ya
boom boom boom
your perfect
definantly not, but thank you !
your so beautiful
aw inbox me who this is ! i hate people that do annon on this
die your hair back blonde
i am when it gets healthy and long haha
1 person you tell everything to
honesty dont tell anyone everything.
I'm a guy and I watch how many guys f*** you over and I want to bash the f*** out of them you deserve heaps better your amazing
im abit of a f*** up myself :(
I have seen u nude :O
definantly havnt haha
I have feelings for you but in just to scared to tell you
ha ha very funny
You are the hottest girl I've ever seen wow !!!
aw haha
I daydream about you all the time
its nightime bubs
I'm way to scared to inbox you but I think you have the best body and best personality and would kill to be with you
S-E-X-Y what does it spell? BRITTANI
oooo its getting hot in here, SO HOT. take off all ya clothes
you pushed me away to
i get it
fave year 10s?
rileeey connnnnor monn sezz umm
Lyk why can't I be as popular as u, every1 asks u stuff on ur qoohme but no1 asks me stuff :'( keelylawley
hahaha its fully cos ur a slu*
See I didn't think so
didnt think what?
i like trains
are you sure?
brittani and chloe arent fat you f***ing wanker
haha who cares what people say its funny as
who ever just said friit was fat your fat ****! leave her alone love ya britt
hahahah love ya!
mm im gonna f*** you one day
oh really
dat b*m of yoz
rather have a big a*s then no a*s
your so stuck up get over yourself
You deleted my thing
what was your thing?
wtf just read your answer on your qooh me bout bronte and shay im friends with shay she isnt shy HAHAHA she is actually the bubbliest chick i know shes so loud actually hahaha this made me laugh your pretty as btw love xxoo
ah well haha, thank you
you and chloe reborts are fat
hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha holy f*** i love people like you, do you feel cool now?
Because we talk occasionally but you don't seem as if you like me very much in general
i wont mind
It will be pretty scary though
why will it be scary hahahahaha
thoughts on bronte chambers ;) and shay green hawt bitties (;
pls dont ever say it hahahaha, love bront shes a mad Bit**, not close at all. like i said ive been pushing people away. shaay definantly is the shyest person i know! shes nice and should talk more
You won't care probably
just do it haha
Thoughts on Courtney woods?
love this Bit**, so funnnny. can be so shy but i love her. she is way to self conscious about herself though ! shes a hot girl
whats da fuq is a "bittie"? just saw that in my news feed hahaha
no idea! i think its like a different word for a hot preteeeen
Yeah but I pushed you away
eeeh inbox me please
i wish i could be good friends with u and hang out, your so nice but your out of my friend league like as in your popular im not... :(
definantly the silliest thing ive read im sorry, im not in anyway out of anyones league. if you talk to me ill talk to you just as much as i would if you were my best mate unless youve done something to me
I don't think you do like I do but
like my last status or inbox me or someshi*, i do miss alot of people i have pushed away
hot bittie
why do people girl girls bitties?
an thank you bubs
I miss you heaps
im sure i miss you to, inbox me
best a*s ahahhaoawwaw
oooooawaw i squat ereyday. nahtttt
worlds best b*m
huge asssssssss Bit**
dont pout it makes you look so stuck up! f***
thoughts on omaaaan
jaiballllss, actually funny as f***, used to be an ***hole to girls and used to hate him so much but got to know him an hes mint, always makes everyone laugh. gooodlooking and should chill more:)
opinions on sarah finney?
i dont know who sarah finney is i dont think?
u will never know ;) but always remember u are beautiful babe coz u really are! xx
inbox me?
keely has a qooh me now guys get on it xxxx
brittani lee = beautiful thats the definiton of your existence just beautiful love you bubba xx
aw hahahhaha, who is this
taryn hayley and jordyn are all slu*s.
how is this a question ?
hayley byrne is a slu* why r u friends with her she sleeps with everyone she slept with an 18 year old the 1st night she was in pearcedale
i know for a fact she didnt, even if she did what the f*** is it to you?
do u like jordyn at somie shes always rude to everyone
shes done nothing to me, and yes i do like her
Wtf does 'a dress that shows what I had for breakfast' even mean lmao?
means you can see someones ***hole im guessing
In your opinion, why is Jordan such a *****? It's cold lets wear a short f***ing dress that shows what I had for breakfast and chuck on beanie cause that's gonna keep me warm
i dont know a jordan?
Fav smokers spot
i dont smoke haha
Thoughts on Shannon agar
does have a feeling she hates me but i really dont live to make people like me and what not, she is my bestfriends sister and has the best humour like her!
Who's your favourite year 11
i dont really know any year 11's. well i cant think of any if you give me some names ill remember
You're cute!
why thank you:) im sure you are to:)
His a$$ crack HAHAHA
this has happend to me before, you have to build the strength to stand up and tell him his a*s hole smells and to pull his god dam pants up
your f***ing perfect
have alot of things wrong with me haha, no ones perfect but thank you:)
Ew no I don't wanna touch him
what? so confused
Aw that s*cks :/
what s*cks?
There's this kid who sits in front of me in class and literally every day his entire f***ing a$$ crack is hanging out, its so annoying! What should I do?
sounds cute, should definantly pull his pants up for him
She walks around with her little pout like she's better than everyone else looking constipated as always
you must have a heaps shi*ty life to be worrying about who pouts and school and how they act haha
what do u use on your skin any cleansers or toners? xox u are perf babe <3
i use nothing, i work at a fish and chip shop and have f***ing horrible skin. there you go
Have you ever been given a wedgie?
i get them all the time
Especially keely
she must be a huge sluuutt considering shes in a relationship
you and your group of slu*s are fun to watch at school lol
were fun to watch because we dont care what people like you think, bout right